(a) For a retrospective review that is conducted under Insurance Code §4201.659(b)(1), concerning Effect of Preauthorization Exemption, to determine whether the physician or provider still qualifies for an exemption, Insurance Code §4201.305, concerning Notice of Adverse Determination for Retrospective Utilization Review, does not apply.
(b) An issuer that is conducting an evaluation as defined in §19.1730(4)(B) of this title (relating to Definitions) to determine whether a physician or provider still qualifies for a preauthorization exemption may request medical records or other documents, consistent with §19.1707 of this title (relating to URA Contact with and Receipt of Information from Health Care Providers), and must provide at least 30 days for a physician or provider to provide the records. Medical records requested in connection with a retrospective review of a random sample of claims as authorized under Insurance Code §4201.659(b)(1) should be limited to no more than 20 claims for a particular health care service and may be requested only during an evaluation period or within 90 days following the end of an evaluation period. If the physician or provider fails to provide the records necessary for the issuer to make a determination, the issuer may determine that the claim would not have met the screening criteria.
(c) After receiving a notice of rescission, a physician or provider may request an independent review of the adverse determination regarding a preauthorization exemption at any time before the rescission becomes effective. The date of the request must be documented on the form, and the form must be sent electronically or postmarked before the date the rescission becomes effective.
(d) In order to request an independent review of a rescission of a preauthorization exemption, a physician or provider must submit the form provided by the issuer under §19.1732(c) of this title (relating to Notice of Preauthorization Exemption Grants, Denials, or Rescissions). If one or more determinations subject to review were based on a failure to provide specified medical records, the physician or provider must include the applicable records with the request for an independent review. Upon receipt, if the issuer seeks to proceed with the proposed rescission, the issuer must submit the request for independent review to the department, consistent with §12.601 of this title (relating to Preauthorization Exemptions), and §19.1717(c) of this title (relating to Independent Review of Adverse Determinations), and provide information to the IRO consistent with Insurance Code §4201.402.
(e) If the notice of rescission of preauthorization exemption identified that at least five additional claims were eligible for review but not included in the original random sample, the physician or provider may request review of another random sample of claims, as authorized under Insurance Code §4201.656(d). If this request is made, the issuer must, when submitting the request for independent review to the department, provide a listing of all payable claims for the same health care service submitted by or in connection with the physician or provider during the most recent evaluation period that were eligible to be evaluated but that were not included in the original random sample. The listing must be sufficiently detailed to allow the IRO to identify each payable claim to be used in an additional random sample, as provided by §12.601(e) of this title.
(f) An issuer must communicate the determination of a review by an independent review organization under §12.601 of this title to the physician or provider within five days.
(g) In order to retain a preauthorization exemption, a physician or provider must continue to maintain medical records adequate to demonstrate that health care services meet medical guidelines. In the absence of adequate records during an evaluation or appeal, an exemption may be rescinded.
Source Note: The provisions of this §19.1733 adopted to be effective September 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 5120