(a) Propagation of citrus plants shall be in facilities certified by the Department in accordance with the citrus nursery stock facility certification requirements as defined in Subchapter D of this chapter (relating to Citrus Nursery Stock Certification Program).
(b) Citrus plant propagation shall be:
(1) With certified citrus budwood; or
(2) In accordance with §21.38 of this chapter (relating to Recordkeeping Requirements); or
(3) From noncommercial citrus varieties, as provided in §21.39 of this chapter (relating to Designated Commercial Fruit Production Varieties), and tested in accordance with the "Survey Protocol in Exclusionary Facilities for the Interstate Movement of Citrus and Other Rutaceous Plants for Planting from Areas Quarantined for Citrus Greening, Asian Citrus Psyllid, and Citrus Canker" developed by the CPHST Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory of the Plant Protection and Quarantine branch of USDA-APHIS-PPQ.
(4) Exception. Citrus plants grown or propagated for sale outside the Citrus Zone, as described in §21.4 of this chapter (relating to Citrus Zone), before January 1, 2018, shall not be required to be grown in accordance with the citrus nursery stock facility certification requirements as defined in §21.61 of this chapter (related to Facility Structural Requirements), until sold out or required to be disposed of by the Department.
Source Note: The provisions of this §21.80 adopted to be effective March 22, 2018, 43 TexReg 1629