(a) At least 30 days prior to the scheduled date of a board meeting, the department shall notify the parties regarding the opportunity to attend and provide an oral presentation concerning a proposal for decision before the board. The department will deliver notice electronically to the last known email address provided to the department by the party or party's authorized representative in accordance with §224.11 of this title (relating to Filing and Service of Documents).
(b) If a party wants to make an oral presentation at the board meeting, a party must submit a written request for an oral presentation to the department's contact listed in the notice provided under subsection (a) of this section and copy all other parties in accordance with §224.11 at least 14 days prior to the date of the board meeting at which the party's contested case will be reviewed.
(c) If more than one party was not adversely affected by the proposal for decision, such parties may agree on the order of their presentations in lieu of the order prescribed under §224.202 of this title (relating to Order of Oral Presentations to the Board). The order of presentations will be determined under §224.202 of this title if the parties who were not adversely affected by the proposal for decision do not timely provide the department and the other parties with notice under subsection (b) of this section regarding their agreed order of presentation.
(d) If a party timely submits a written request for an oral presentation, that party may make an oral presentation at the board meeting. If a party fails to timely submit a written request for an oral presentation, that party shall not make an oral presentation at the board meeting.
(e) Section 206.22 of this title (relating to Public Access to Board Meetings) authorizes a party to speak as a public commenter regarding the party's contested case during the posted agenda item for the contested case; however, a party is not authorized to make a public comment regarding the party's contested case under §206.22 in addition to making an oral presentation regarding the party's contested case under this subchapter.
Source Note: The provisions of this §224.196 adopted to be effective June 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 2771