(a) If a party wants to provide written materials at the board meeting, the party must provide the written materials to the department and all other parties in accordance with §224.11 of this title (relating to Filing and Service of Documents) at least 21 days prior to the date of the board meeting. If a party fails to timely provide written materials to the department or any other party, the department shall not provide the written materials to the board and the party shall not provide the written materials to the board at the board meeting. Non-parties are not authorized to provide written materials to the board.
(b) For the purposes of this section, written materials are defined as language or images including photographs or diagrams, that are contained in the SOAH administrative record and recorded in paper form except as stated otherwise in this subsection. The language or images in the written materials must be taken without changes from the SOAH administrative record; however, proposed final orders and draft motions for possible board action are allowed to be included in a party's written materials even if they contain arguments or requests that are not contained in the SOAH administrative record. Written materials shall be limited to evidence contained in the SOAH administrative record and consistent with the scope of the board's authority to act under Government Code, §2001.058(e) and Occupations Code, Chapters 2301 and 2302, and Transportation Code, Chapters 502, 503, 621-623, 643, 645, or 1001-1005, as applicable.
(c) All information in the written materials shall include a citation to the SOAH administrative record on all points to specifically identify where the information is located. The citations may be provided in an addendum to the written materials that is not counted against the 15-page limit under subsection (d) of this section; however, the addendum must not include any information other than a heading that lists the name of the party, the caption for the contested case, and text that lists the citations and page numbers.
(d) Written materials shall be 8.5 inches by 11 inches and single-sided. Written materials must be double-spaced and at least 12-point type if in text form. Written materials are limited to 15 pages per party. If a party provides the department with written materials that contain more pages than the maximum allowed, the department shall not provide the written materials to the board and a party shall not provide the written materials to the board at the board meeting.
Source Note: The provisions of this §224.198 adopted to be effective June 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 2771