(a) Program funds may be utilized for Acquisition or refinance, and New Construction, of single family housing units occupied by the purchaser as shown on an executory contract for conveyance.
(b) The Household's income must not exceed 80 percent AMFI.
(c) The Department shall limit the availability of funds for CFD for a minimum of 60 days for Activities proposing to serve Households whose income does not exceed 60 percent AMFI, and for properties located in a Colonia as defined in Tex. Gov't Code §2306.083.
(d) The Department will require a first lien position.
(e) Direct Activity Costs, exclusive of Match funds, are limited to the amounts described in this subsection; however, not more than once per year, the Board in its sole discretion, may increase or decrease by up to five percent of the limitation for Direct Activity Costs. Total Activity costs may not exceed HUD Subsidy Limits. Dollar amounts in a Household commitment contract are set at the time of contract execution and may not be adjusted through this process. Current dollar amounts under this subsection will be reflected on the Department's website.
(1) Refinance, acquisition, and closing costs: $35,000. In the case of a contract for deed housing unit that involves the refinance or acquisition of a loan on an existing MHU and/or the loan for the associated land, the Executive Director may grant an exception to exceed this amount, however, the Executive Director will not grant an exception to exceed $40,000 of assistance;
(2) Reconstruction and New Construction of site-built housing: the lesser of $120 per square foot of conditioned space or $135,000, or for Households of five or more Persons the lesser of $120 per square foot of conditioned space or $150,000 for a four-bedroom unit; and
(3) Replacement with an energy efficient MHU: $90,000.
(f) In addition to the Direct Activity Costs allowable under subsection (e) of this section, a sum not to exceed $15,000 may be used to pay for any or all of the following, as applicable:
(1) Necessary environmental mitigation as identified during the Environmental review process;
(2) Installation of an aerobic septic system; and
(3) Homeowner requests for accessibility features.
(g) Activity soft costs eligible for reimbursement for Activities of the following types are limited to:
(1) Acquisition or refinance, and New Construction of site-built housing: no more than $13,500 per housing unit; and
(2) Acquisition or refinance, and replacement with an MHU: no more than $5,000 per housing unit.
(h) Funds for administrative costs are limited to no more than eight percent of the Direct Activity Costs, exclusive of Match funds.
(i) The assistance to an eligible Household shall be in the form of a loan in the amount of the Direct Activity Costs excluding Match funds. The loan will be at zero percent interest and include deferral of payment and annual pro rata forgiveness with a term based on the federal affordability requirements as defined in 24 CFR §92.254. For refinancing activities, the minimum loan term and affordability period is 15 years, regardless of the amount of HOME assistance.
(j) To ensure affordability, the Department will impose resale or recapture provisions established in this Chapter.
(k) Site-built housing units must meet or exceed the 2000 International Residential Code and all applicable local codes, standards, ordinances, zoning requirements, and the standards outlined in 24 CFR §92.251(a)(2) as applicable. MHUs must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions and in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations.
(l) Unless an exception is requested by the Household and approved by the Division Director prior to submission of the Activity, each unit must meet the design and quality requirements described in paragraphs (1) - (4) of this subsection:
(1) Include the following amenities: Wired with RG-6 COAX or better and CAT3 phone cable or better to each bedroom and living room; Blinds or window coverings for all windows; Oven/Range; Exhaust/vent fans (vented to the outside) in bathrooms; Energy-Star or equivalently rated lighting in all rooms, which may include LED bulbs. The living room and each bedroom must contain at least one ceiling lighting fixture and wiring must be capable of supporting ceiling fans;
(2) Contain no less than two bedrooms. Each unit must contain complete physical facilities and fixtures for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation;
(3) Each bedroom must be no less than 100 square feet, have a length or width no less than eight fee, be self-contained with a door, have at least one window that provides exterior access, and have at least one closet that is not less than two feet deep and three feet wide and high enough to contain at least five feet of hanging space; and
(4) Be no less than 800 total net square feet for a two bedroom home; no less than 1,000 total net square feet for a three bedroom and two bathroom home; and no less than 1,200 total net square feet for a four bedroom and two bathroom home.
(m) Housing proposed to be constructed under this subchapter must meet the requirements of Chapters 20 and 21 of this Title (relating to Single Family Programs Umbrella Rule and Minimum Energy Efficiency Requirements for Single Family Construction Activities, respectively) and must be certified by a licensed architect or engineer.
(1) The Department will reimburse only for the first time a set of architectural plans are used, unless any subsequent site specific fees are paid to a Third Party architect, or a licensed engineer.
(2) A NOFA may include incentives or otherwise require architectural plans to incorporate "green building" elements.
Source Note: The provisions of this §23.41 adopted to be effective March 28, 2024, 49 TexReg1902