(a) Commitment or Reservation of Funds. The Administrator must submit true and correct information, certified as such, with a request for the Commitment or Reservation of Funds as described in paragraphs (1) - (15) of this subsection:
(1) Head of Household name and address of housing unit for which assistance is being requested;
(2) A budget that includes the amount of Activity funds specifying the acquisition costs, construction costs, soft costs and administrative costs requested, a maximum of five percent of hard construction costs for contingency items, proposed Match to be provided, evidence that Activity and soft costs limitations are not exceeded, and evidence that any duplication of benefit is addressed;
(3) Verification of environmental clearance;
(4) A copy of the Household's intake application on a form prescribed by the Department;
(5) Certification of the income eligibility of the Household signed by the Administrator and all Household members age 18 or over, and including the date of the income eligibility determination. In instances the total Household income is within $3,000 of the 80 percent AMFI, all documentation used to determine the income of the Household;
(6) Project cost estimates, construction contracts, and other construction documents necessary to ensure applicable property standard requirements will be met at completion;
(7) Identification of Lead-Based Paint (LBP);
(8) For housing units located within the 100-year floodplain or otherwise required to carry flood insurance by federal or local regulation, certification from the Household that they understand the flood insurance requirements;
(9) If applicable, documentation to address or resolve any potential Conflict of Interest, Identity of Interest, duplication of benefit, or floodplain mitigation;
(10) Appraisal which includes post construction improvements for Activities involving construction;
(11) A title commitment to issue a title policy that evidences the property will transfer with no tax lien, child support lien, mechanic's or materialman's lien or any other restrictions or encumbrances that impair the good and marketable nature of title to the ownership interest and that the definition of Homeownership will be met. The effective date of the title commitment must be no more than 60 days prior to the date of Activity submission. Commitments that expire prior to execution of closing must be updated at closing and must not have any adverse changes in order to close;
(12) In the instances of replacement with an MHU, information necessary to draft loan documents and issue Statement of Ownership and Location (SOL);
(13) Life event documentation, as applicable, and all information necessary to prepare any applicable affidavits such as marital status and heirship;
(14) A copy of the recorded executory contact and a current payoff statement; and
(15) Any other documentation necessary to evidence that the Activity meets the program requirements.
(b) Disbursement of funds. The Administrator must comply all of the requirements described in paragraphs (1) - (12) of this subsection, for a request for disbursement of funds to reimburse eligible costs incurred. Submission of documentation related to the Administrator's compliance with requirements described in paragraphs (1) - (12) of this subsection may be required with a request for disbursement:
(1) For construction costs, a down date endorsement to the title policy not older than the date of the last disbursement of funds or 45 days, whichever is later. For release of retainage the down date endorsement must be dated at least 40 days after the Construction Completion Date;
(2) If applicable, a maximum of 50 percent of Activity funds for an Activity may be drawn before providing evidence of Match. Thereafter, each Administrator must provide evidence of Match, including the date of provision, in accordance with the percentage of Activity funds disbursed;
(3) Property inspections, including photographs of the front, back, and side elevations of the housing unit and at least one picture of each of the kitchen, family room, each bedroom and each bathroom with date and property address reflected on each photo. The inspection must be signed and dated by the inspector and Administrator;
(4) Certification that its fiscal control and fund accounting procedures are adequate to assure the proper disbursal of, and accounting for, funds provided, no Person that would benefit from the award of HOME funds has satisfied the Applicant's cash reserve obligation or made promises in connection therewith; that each request for disbursement of HOME funds is for the actual cost of providing a service and that the service does not violate any conflict of interest provisions;
(5) Original, executed, legally enforceable loan documents, and statement of location, as applicable, for each assisted Household containing remedies adequate to enforce any applicable affordability requirements. Original documents must evidence that such agreements have been recorded in the real property records of the county in which the housing unit is located and the original documents must be returned, duly certified as to recordation by the appropriate county official. This provision is not applicable for funds made available at the loan closing;
(6) Expenditures must be allowable and reasonable in accordance with federal, state, and local rules and regulations. The Department shall determine the reasonableness of each expenditure submitted for reimbursement. The Department may request Administrator or Developer to make modifications to the disbursement request and is authorized to modify the disbursement procedures set forth herein and to establish such additional requirements for payment of HOME funds to Administrator as may be necessary or advisable for compliance with all program requirements;
(7) The request for funds for administrative costs must be proportionate to the amount of Direct Activity Costs requested or already disbursed;
(8) Table funding requests must be submitted to the Department with complete documentation no later than 14 calendar days prior to the anticipated loan closing date. Such a request must include a draft closing disclosure, title company payee identification information, the Administrator or Developer's authorization for disbursement of funds to the title company, request letter from title company to the Comptroller of Public Accounts with bank account wiring instructions, and invoices for costs being paid at closing;
(9) include the withholding of ten percent of hard construction costs for retainage. Retainage will be held until at least 40 days after the Construction Completion Date;
(10) For final disbursement requests, submission of documentation required for Activity completion reports and evidence that the demolition or, if an MHU, salvage and removal of all dilapidated housing units on the lot, certification or other evidence acceptable to Department that the replacement house, whether site-built or MHU, was constructed or placed on and within the same lot secured by the loan, and evidence of floodplain mitigation;
(11) The final request for disbursement must be submitted to the Department with support documentation no later than 60 days after the termination date of the Contract in order to remain in compliance with Contract and eligible for future funding. The Department shall not be obligated to pay for costs incurred or performances rendered after the termination date of a Contract; and
(12) For costs associated with insurance policies, including title policies and homeowner's insurance policies charged as Activity costs, evidence of payment of the cost must be submitted with the retainage request.
Source Note: The provisions of this §23.42 adopted to be effective March 28, 2024, 49 TexReg1902