(a) Applicability. This section applies to retail electric providers (REPs) and aggregators seeking to enroll applicants or customers for retail electric service. In addition, where specifically stated, this section applies to transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) and the registration agent.
(b) Purpose. The provisions of this section establish procedures for enrollment of applicants or customers by a REP and ensure that all applicants and customers in this state are protected from an unauthorized switch from the applicant's or customer's REP of choice or an unauthorized move-in. A contested switch in providers shall be presumed to be unauthorized unless the REP provides proof, in accordance with the requirements of this section, of the applicant's or customer's authorization and verification.
(c) Initial REP selection process.
(1) In conjunction with the commission's customer education campaign, the commission may issue to customers for whom customer choice will be available an explanation of the REP selection process. The customer education information issued by the commission may include, but is not limited to:
(A) an explanation of retail electric competition;
(B) a list of all REPs certified to provide electric service to the customer;
(C) a form that allows the customer to contact or select one or more of the listed REPs from which the customer desires to receive information or to be contacted; and
(D) information on how a customer may designate whether the customer would like to be placed on the statewide Do Not Call List and indicate the fee for such placement.
(2) Any affiliated REP assigned to serve a customer that is entitled to receive the price-to-beat rate, pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) §39.202(a), shall issue to a customer, either as a bill insert or through a separate mailing, no later than 30 days after the commencement of customer choice:
(A) A terms of service document that includes an explanation of the price-to-beat rate;
(B) Your Rights as a Customer disclosure; and
(C) An Electricity Facts Label for the price to beat, which may, at the discretion of the REP, be in a separate document or contained in the terms of service document.
(3) An electric utility whose successor affiliated REP will continue to serve customers not eligible for the price-to-beat rate, pursuant to PURA §39.102(b), shall issue to the customer a terms of service document on a date prescribed by the commission. Such a document shall contain an explanation of the price the customer will be charged by the affiliated REP.
(d) Enrollment via the Internet. For enrollments of applicants via the Internet, a REP or aggregator shall obtain authorization and verification of the move-in or switch request from the applicant in accordance with this subsection.
(1) The website (or websites) shall clearly and conspicuously identify the legal name of the aggregator and its registration number to provide aggregation services or REP and its certification number to sell retail electric service, its address, and telephone number.
(2) The website shall include a means of transfer of information, such as electronic enrollment, renewal, and cancellation information between the applicant or customer and the REP or aggregator that is an encrypted transaction using Secure Socket Layer or similar encryption standard to ensure the privacy of customer information.
(3) The website shall include an explanation that a move-in or a switch can only be made by the electric service applicant or the applicant's authorized agent.
(4) The entire enrollment process shall be in plain, easily understood language. The entire enrollment shall be the same language. Nothing in this section is meant to prohibit REPs or aggregators from utilizing multiple enrollment procedures or websites to conduct enrollments in multiple languages.
(5) Required authorization disclosures. Prior to requesting confirmation of the move-in or switch request, a REP or aggregator shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the following information:
(A) the name of the new REP;
(B) the name of the specific electric service package or plan for which the applicant's assent is attained;
(C) the ability of an applicant to select to receive information in English, Spanish, or the language used in the marketing of service to the applicant. The REP or aggregator shall provide a means of documenting a customer's language preference;
(D) the price of the product or plan, including the total price stated in cents per kilowatt-hour, for electric service;
(E) term or length of the term of service;
(F) the presence or absence of early termination fees or penalties, and applicable amounts;
(G) any requirement to pay a deposit and the estimated amount of that deposit, or the method in which the deposit will be calculated. An affiliated REP or provider of last resort (POLR) shall also notify the applicant of the right to post a letter of guarantee in lieu of a deposit in accordance with §25.478(i) of this title (relating to Credit Requirements and Deposits);
(H) any fees to the applicant for switching to the REP pursuant to subsection (n) of this section;
(I) in the case of a switch request, the applicant's right, pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, to review and rescind the terms of service within three federal business days, after receiving the terms of service, without penalty;
(J) a statement that the applicant will receive a copy of the terms of service document via email or, upon request, via regular US mail, that will explain all the terms of the agreement and how to exercise the right of rescission, if applicable; and
(K) if the customer is being enrolled for prepaid service as defined by §25.498(b)(7) of this title (relating to Prepaid Service), that the customer will not receive a bill and may request a summary of usage and payment.
(6) The applicant shall be required to check a box affirming that the applicant has read and understands the disclosures and terms of service required by paragraph (5) of this subsection.
(7) The REP or aggregator shall provide access to the complete terms of service document that is being agreed to by the applicant on the website such that the applicant may review the terms of service prior to enrollment. A prompt shall also be provided for the applicant to print or save the terms of service document to which the applicant assents, and shall inform the application of the option to request that a written copy of the terms of service document be sent by regular U.S. mail by contacting the REP.
(8) The REP or aggregator shall also provide a toll-free telephone number, Internet website address, and e-mail address for contacting the REP or aggregator throughout the duration of the applicant's or customer's agreement. The REP or aggregator shall also provide the appropriate toll-free telephone number that the customer can use to report service outages.
(9) Applicant authorizations shall adhere to any state and federal guidelines governing the use of electronic signatures.
(10) Verification of authorization for Internet enrollment. Prior to final verification by the applicant of enrollment with the REP or aggregator, the REP or aggregator shall:
(A) obtain or confirm the applicant's email address, billing name, billing address, service address, and name of any authorized representative;
(B) obtain or confirm the applicant's electric service identifier (ESI-ID), if available;
(C) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant has decided to establish new service or change from the current REP to the new REP;
(D) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant designates the new REP to perform the necessary tasks to complete a switch or move in for the applicant's service with the new REP; and
(E) obtain or confirm one of the following account access verification data: last four digits of the social security number, mother's maiden name, city or town of birth, month and day of birth, driver's license or government issued identification number. For non-residential applicants, the REP may obtain the applicant's federal tax identification number.
(11) After enrollment, the REP or aggregator shall send a confirmation, by email, of the applicant's request to select the REP. The confirmation email shall include: