(a) Applicability. This section applies to all transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) and retail electric providers (REPs) in areas open to retail customer choice.
(b) Definition. For this section, the term "no REP of record" means a premise that is receiving electricity equal to or greater than 150 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in a single meter reading cycle, but for which no REP is designated as serving the premise in the TDU's system.
(c) Obligation of TDUs to identify premises with no REP of record. Each TDU shall implement the following procedures to identify those premises that have no REP of record:
(1) Each TDU shall prepare a No REP of Record List on a monthly basis, identifying all premises with consumption equal to or greater than 150 kilowatt hours (kWh) in a single meter reading cycle, but no REP of record in the TDU's Customer Information System;
(2) Each TDU shall delete a premise from the list if there is evidence of erroneous meter reads for the premise;
(3) Each TDU shall cross reference the list with ERCOT's pending orders to identify any move-in transactions that indicate that a REP is initiating service at a premise on the list and remove such premises from the list;
(4) Each TDU shall review safety-net move-in requests to initiate service and remove such premises from the list; and
(5) Each TDU shall review its internal systems for pending transactions and any correspondence from REPs claiming that a premise should be assigned to the REP. Any corresponding matches of premises shall be removed from the list.
(d) Submission of No REP of Record List to REPs.
(1) Each TDU shall send the No REP of Record List to all REPs offering service in its service area each month;
(2) Within five business days after the TDU sends the list, a REP shall inform the TDU in writing if it has a contract with a customer for a location on the list. The TDU shall delete all claimed premises from the list.
(3) Nothing in this section is meant to absolve a REP of its responsibilities under §25.474 of this title (relating to Selection or Change of Retail Electric Provider).
(e) Customer notification. TDUs shall provide notice to all remaining premises in a standardized bilingual (English and Spanish) format consistent with subsection (g) of this section. TDUs may either provide notice by placing door hangers at each premise or by mailing notice to each premise.
(f) Wires charges billed to customer with no REP of record. A premise with no REP of record shall not constitute unauthorized use of service under the TDU's tariff for retail delivery service approved pursuant to §25.214 of this title (relating to Terms and Conditions of Retail Delivery Service Provided by Investor Owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities).
(g) Format of notice. The notice provided by the TDU to a customer on the final list of accounts with no REP of record shall have the identifying code #999 printed in bold letters to enable the REPs to identify customers contacting them as premises on the No REP of Record List and shall comply with the content requirements of this subsection.
(1) The notice shall include the following information and be formatted as follows:
Attached Graphic
(2) A comprehensive list of REPs serving residential customers in the TDU's territory, including each REP's toll-free number and website address (if available), shall be listed on the notice provided to residential premises. A comprehensive list of REPs serving commercial customers in the TDU's territory, including each company's toll-free number and website address (if available), shall be listed on the notice provided to commercial premises.
(h) REP obligation to submit move-in transaction. A REP that enrolls a premise in response to the TDU notice shall submit a move-in transaction, not a switch transaction, to the registration agent in accordance with the requirements of §25.487 of this title (relating to Obligations Related to Move-In Transactions).
(i) Disconnection of premise with no REP of record. Each TDU may disconnect a premise with no REP of record no earlier than ten days after the customer receives the TDU's notification required by this section. Prior to disconnecting the service for a premise with no REP of record, each TDU shall repeat the procedures listed in subsection (c) of this section (other than issuing notice) to prevent the disconnection of a customer who has initiated service with a REP. A TDU shall not disconnect any premise that has been claimed by a REP in accordance with this section.
(j) Expedited reconnection of premise. If a TDU disconnects a premise in error, the TDU shall reconnect a premise on an expedited basis in accordance with its tariff and commission rules, whichever process is shorter.
Source Note: The provisions of this §25.489 adopted to be effective August 4, 2003, 28 TexReg 6005