(a) Applicability. This section applies to retail electric providers (REPs) that offer a payment option in which a customer pays for retail service prior to the delivery of service and to transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) that have installed advanced meters and related systems. A REP may not offer prepaid service to residential or small commercial customers unless it complies with this section. The following provisions do not apply to prepaid service, unless otherwise expressly stated:
(1) §25.479 of this title (relating to Issuance and Format of Bills);
(2) §25.480(b), (e)(3), (h), (i), (j), and (k) of this title (relating to Bill Payment and Adjustments); and
(3) §25.483 of this title (relating to Disconnection of Service), except for §25.483(b)(2)(A) and (B), (d), and (e)(1)-(6) of this title.
(b) Definitions. The following terms, when used in this section, have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise.
(1) Connection balance--A current balance, not to exceed $75 for a residential customer, required to establish prepaid service or reconnect prepaid service following disconnection.
(2) Current balance--An account balance calculated consistent with subsection (c)(6) of this section.
(3) Customer prepayment device or system (CPDS)--A device or system that includes metering and communications capabilities that meet the requirements of this section, including a device or system that accesses customer consumption information from a TDU's advanced metering system (AMS). The CPDS may be owned by the REP, and installed by the TDU consistent with subsection (c)(2)-(4) of this section.
(4) Disconnection balance--An account balance, not to exceed $10 for a residential customer, below which the REP may initiate disconnection of the customer's service.
(5) Landlord--A landlord or property manager or other agent of a landlord.
(6) Postpaid service--A payment option offered by a REP for which the customer normally makes a payment for electric service after the service has been rendered.
(7) Prepaid service--A payment option offered by a REP for which the customer normally makes a payment for electric service before service is rendered.
(8) Prepaid disclosure statement (PDS)--A document described by subsection (e) of this section.
(9) Summary of usage and payment (SUP)--A document described by subsection (h) of this section.
(c) Requirements for prepaid service.
(1) A REP must file with the commission a notice of its intent to provide prepaid service prior to offering such service. The notice of intent must include a description of the type of CPDS the REP will use, and the initial Electricity Facts Label (EFL), terms of service, and PDS for the service. Except as provided in subsection (m) of this section, a REP-controlled CPDS or TDU settlement provisioned meter is required for any prepaid service.
(2) A CPDS that relies on metering equipment other than the TDU meter must conform to the requirements and standards of §25.121(e) of this title (relating to Meter Requirements), §25.122 of this title (relating to Meter Records), and section 4.7.3 of the tariff for retail electric delivery service, which is prescribed by §25.214 of this title (relating to Terms and Conditions of Retail Delivery Service Provided by Investor Owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities).
(3) A TDU may, consistent with its tariff, install CPDS equipment, including meter adapters and collars on or near the TDU's meters. Such installation does not constitute competitive energy services as this term is defined in §25.341(3) of this title (relating to Definitions).
(4) A CPDS must not cause harmful interference with the operation of a TDU's meter or equipment, or the performance of any of the TDU's services. If a CPDS interferes with the TDU's meter or equipment, or TDU's services, the CPDS must be promptly corrected or removed. A CPDS that relies on communications channels other than those established by the TDU must protect customer information in accordance with §25.472 of this title (relating to Privacy of Customer Information).
(5) A REP may choose the means by which it communicates required information to a customer, including an in-home device at the customer's premises, United States Postal Service, email, telephone, mobile phone, or other electronic communications. The means by which the REP will communicate required information to a customer must be described in the terms of service and the PDS.
(A) A REP must communicate time-sensitive notifications required by paragraph (7)(B), (D), and (E) of this subsection by telephone, mobile phone, or electronic means.
(B) A REP must, as required by the commission after reasonable notice, provide brief public service notices to its customers. The REP must provide these public service notices to its customers by electronic communication, or by other acceptable mass communication methods, as approved by the commission.
(6) A REP must calculate the customer's current balance by crediting the account for payments received and reducing the account balance by known charges and fees that have been incurred, including charges based on estimated usage as allowed in paragraph (11)(E) of this subsection.
(A) The REP may also reduce the account balance by:
(i) estimated applicable taxes; and
(ii) estimated TDU charges that have been incurred in serving the customer and that, pursuant to the terms of service, will be passed through to the customer.
(B) If the customer's balance reflects estimated charges and taxes authorized by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the REP must promptly reconcile the estimated charges and taxes with actual charges and taxes, and credit or debit the balance accordingly within 72 hours after actual consumption data or a statement of charges from the TDU is available.
(C) A REP may reverse a payment for which there are insufficient funds available or that is otherwise rejected by a bank, credit card company, or other payor.
(D) If usage sent by the TDU is estimated or the REP estimates consumption according to paragraph (11)(E) of this subsection, the REP must promptly reconcile the estimated consumption and associated charges with the actual consumption and associated charges within 72 hours after actual consumption data is available to the REP.
(7) A REP must:
(A) on the request of the customer, provide the customer's current balance calculated pursuant to paragraph (6) of this subsection, including the date and time the current balance was calculated and the estimated time or days of paid electricity remaining; and
(B) make the current balance available to the customer either:
(i) continuously, via the internet, phone, or an in-home device; or
(ii) within two hours of the REP's receipt of a customer's balance request, by the means specified in the Terms of Service for making such a request.
(C) communicate to the customer the current price for electric service calculated as required by §25.475(g)(2)(A)-(E) of this title (relating to General Retail Electric Provider Requirements and Information Disclosures to Residential and Small Commercial Customers);
(D) provide a warning to the customer at least one day and not more than seven days before the customer's current balance is estimated by the REP to drop to the disconnection balance;
(E) provide a confirmation code when the customer makes a payment by credit card, debit card, or electronic check. A REP is not required to provide a confirmation code or receipt for payment sent by mail or electronic bill payment system. The REP must provide a receipt showing the amount paid for payment in person. At the customer's request, the REP must confirm all payments by providing to the customer the last four digits of the customer's account number or Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID), payment amount, and the date the payment was received;
(F) ensure that a CPDS controlled by the REP does not impair a customer's ability to choose a different REP or any electric service plans offered by the REP that do not require prepayment. When the REP receives notice that a customer has chosen a new REP, the REP must take any steps necessary to facilitate the switch on a schedule that is consistent with the effective date stated on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) enrollment transaction and ERCOT's rules for processing such transactions; and
(G) refund to the customer or an energy assistance agency, as applicable, any unexpended balance from the account within ten business days after the REP receives the final bill and final meter read from the TDU.