(a) Application. Subsection (b)(4)(C)(viii) of this section does not apply to a deregulated company holding a certificate of operating authority, or to an exempt carrier that meets the criteria of Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) §52.154.
(b) Certificated telecommunications utilities (CTU). The disclosure requirements of this subsection only apply to residential customers and business customers with five or fewer customer access lines.
(1) Promotional requirements. Promotions, including advertising and marketing, conducted by a CTU must comply with the following:
(A) If any portion of a promotion is translated into another language, then all portions of the promotion must be translated into that language. Promotions containing a single informational line or sentence in another language to advise a person on how to obtain the same promotional information in a different language are exempt from this requirement.
(B) Promotions must not be fraudulent, unfair, misleading, deceptive, or anti-competitive as prohibited by federal and state law.
(2) Prior to acceptance of service. A CTU must provide the following information to an applicant before the applicant accepts service:
(A) notice that the customer will receive the information packet described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection;
(B) an explanation of each product or service being offered;
(C) a description of how each charge will appear on the telephone bill;
(D) any applicable minimum contract service terms;
(E) disclosure of all money that must be paid prior to installation of a new service or transfer of an existing service to a new location, and whether the money is refundable;
(F) disclosure of construction charges in accordance with §26.22 of this title (relating to Request for Service);
(G) information about any necessary change in the applicant's telephone number;
(H) disclosure of the company's cancellation policy; and
(I) information on whom to call and a working toll-free number for customer inquiries.
(3) Terms and conditions of service. A CTU must provide information regarding terms and conditions of service to customers in writing and free of charge at the initiation of service. Upon request, a customer is entitled to receive an additional copy of the terms and conditions of service free of charge from the CTU every calendar year. Any contract offered by a CTU must include the terms and conditions of service. A CTU is prohibited from offering a customer a contract or terms and conditions of service that waives the customer's rights under federal or state law, or commission rule.
(A) The information must be:
(i) sent to the new customer before payment for a full bill is due;
(ii) clearly labeled to indicate it contains the terms and conditions of service;
(iii) provided in a readable format written in plain, non-technical language; and
(iv) provided in the same language in which the CTU markets the service.
(B) The following information must be included:
(i) each rate and charge as it will appear on the telephone bill;
(ii) an itemization of each charge that may be imposed on the customer, including charges for late payments and returned checks;
(iii) a full description of each product or service to which the customer has subscribed;
(iv) any applicable minimum contract service terms and fees for cancellation or early termination;
(v) all money that must be paid prior to installation of new service or transfer of existing service to a new location and whether the money is refundable;
(vi) applicable construction charges in accordance with §26.22 of this title;
(vii) any necessary change in the applicant's telephone number;
(viii) the company's cancellation or early termination policy;
(ix) an operational toll-free number for customer service; and
(x) the provider's legal business name used for providing telecommunications services in the state.
(4) Customer rights. At the initiation of service, a CTU must provide to a customer information regarding customer rights in writing and free of charge.
(A) The informational disclosures relating to customer protections required by subparagraph (C) of this paragraph must be:
(i) sent to the new customer before payment for a full bill is due;
(ii) clearly labeled to indicate the customer protection disclosures contain information regarding customer rights;
(iii) provided in a readable format and written in plain, non-technical language; and
(iv) provided in the same language in which the CTU markets the service.
(B) The CTU must also provide:
(i) the information in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph to each customer at least every other year at no charge; or
(ii) a printed statement on the bill or a billing insert identifying where the information in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph can be obtained. The statement must be provided to each customer every six months.
(C) The following informational disclosures relating to customer protections must be provided by the CTU:
(i) the CTU's customer credit requirements and the circumstances under which a customer deposit or an additional deposit may be required, the manner in which a deposit and interest paid on deposits are calculated, the time frame and requirements for return of the deposit to the customer, and any other terms and conditions related to deposits;
(ii) the time period for payment of outstanding bills without incurring a penalty and the amount and conditions under which a penalty may be applied to delinquent bills;
(iii) the grounds for suspension or disconnection of service;
(iv) the requirements a CTU must meet to suspend or disconnect service;
(v) the requirements a CTU must meet for resolving billing disputes and how disputes affect suspension or disconnection of service;
(vi) information on alternative payment plans offered by the CTU, including payment arrangements and deferred payment plans. A CTU must provide to each customer a statement that the customer has the right to request these alternative payment plans;
(vii) the requirements to have the customer's service restored or reconnected after involuntary suspension or disconnection;
(viii) a customer's right to continue local service as long as full payment for local service is timely made;
(ix) information regarding protections against unauthorized billing charges ("cramming") and selection of telecommunications utilities ("slamming") as required by §26.32 of this title (relating to Protection Against Unauthorized Billing Charges ("Cramming")) and §26.130 of this title (relating to Selection of Telecommunications Utilities), respectively;
(x) the customer's right to file a complaint with the CTU, the procedures for a supervisory review, and the customer's right to file a complaint with the commission regarding any matter concerning the CTU's service. The commission's contact information: PUCT, Consumer Protection Division, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326, (512) 936-7120 or in Texas (toll-free) 1-888-782-8477, e-mail address: consumer@puc.texas.gov, Internet address: www.puc.texas.gov, and Relay Texas (toll-free) 1-800-735-2989, must accompany this information;
(xi) the hours, addresses, and telephone numbers of each CTU office where bills may be paid and customer service information may be obtained, or a toll-free number at which the customer may obtain such information;
(xii) a toll-free telephone number or equivalent, such as the use of wide area telephone service or acceptance of collect calls, that a customer may call to report service problems or make billing inquiries;
(xiii) a statement that each CTU service is provided without discrimination as to a customer's race, color, sex, nationality, religion, marital status, income level, source of income, or from unreasonable discrimination on the basis of geographic location;
(xiv) a summary of the company's policy regarding the provision of credit history based upon the credit history of a customer's former spouse;
(xv) notice of any special services such as readers or notices in Braille, if available, the phone number for Relay Texas: 1-800-735-2989, and any teletypewriter or text telephone service offered by the CTU;