(a) Remote pharmacy services using automated pharmacy systems.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the provision of pharmacy services by a Class A or Class C pharmacy in a facility that is not at the same location as the Class A or Class C pharmacy through an automated pharmacy system as outlined in §562.109 of the Texas Pharmacy Act.
(2) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. All other words and terms shall have the meanings defined in the Act.
(A) Automated pharmacy system--A mechanical system that dispenses prescription drugs and maintains related transaction information.
(B) Prepackaging--The act of repackaging and relabeling quantities of drug products from a manufacturer's original commercial container, or quantities of unit dosed drugs, into another cartridge or container for dispensing by a pharmacist using an automated pharmacy system.
(C) Provider pharmacy--The community pharmacy (Class A) or the institutional pharmacy (Class C) providing remote pharmacy services.
(D) Remote pharmacy service--The provision of pharmacy services, including the storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, in remote sites.
(E) Remote site--A facility not located at the same location as a Class A or Class C pharmacy, at which remote pharmacy services are provided using an automated pharmacy dispensing system.
(F) Unit dose--An amount of a drug packaged in a dosage form ready for administration to a particular patient, by the prescribed route at the prescribed time, and properly labeled with name, strength, and expiration date of the drug.
(3) General requirements.
(A) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services using an automated pharmacy system to a jail or prison operated by or for the State of Texas, a jail or prison operated by local government or a healthcare facility regulated under Chapter 142, 241, 242, 247, 252, 464, 534, or 577, Health and Safety Code, provided drugs are administered by a licensed healthcare professional working in the jail, prison, or healthcare facility.
(B) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services at more than one remote site.
(C) Before providing remote pharmacy services, the automated pharmacy system at the remote site must be tested by the provider pharmacy and found to dispense accurately. The provider pharmacy shall make the results of such testing available to the board upon request.
(D) A provider pharmacy which is licensed as an institutional (Class C) pharmacy is required to comply with the provisions of §§291.31 - 291.34 of this title (relating to Definitions, Personnel, Operational Standards, and Records, respectively) and this section.
(E) The pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy is responsible for all pharmacy operations involving the automated pharmacy system located at the remote site including supervision of the automated pharmacy system and compliance with this section.
(F) A pharmacist from the provider pharmacy shall be accessible at all times to respond to patients' or other health professionals' questions and needs pertaining to drugs dispensed through the use of the automated pharmacy system. Such access may be through a 24 hour pager service or telephone which is answered 24 hours a day.
(4) Operational standards.
(A) Application for permission to provide pharmacy services using an automated pharmacy system.
(i) A Class A or Class C Pharmacy shall file a completed application containing all information required by the board to provide remote pharmacy services using an automated pharmacy system and pay the application fee specified in §291.6(e)(1) of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Fees).
(ii) Such application shall be resubmitted every two years in conjunction with the application for renewal of the provider pharmacy's license.
(iii) Upon approval of the application, the provider pharmacy will be issued a certificate which must be displayed at the remote site.
(B) Notification requirements.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of a discontinuance of service, or closure of:
(I) a remote site where an automated pharmacy system is operated by the pharmacy; or
(II) a remote pharmacy service at a remote site.
(ii) A provider pharmacy shall comply with appropriate federal and state controlled substance registrations for each remote site if controlled substances are maintained within an automated pharmacy system at the facility.
(iii) A provider pharmacy shall file a change of location and/or name of a remote site as specified in §291.3 of this title (relating to Notifications).
(C) Environment/Security.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall only store drugs at a remote site within an automated pharmacy system which is locked by key, combination or other mechanical or electronic means so as to prohibit access by unauthorized personnel.
(ii) An automated pharmacy system shall be under the continuous supervision of a provider pharmacy pharmacist. To qualify as continuous supervision, the pharmacist is not required to be physically present at the site of the automated pharmacy system if the system is supervised electronically by a pharmacist.
(iii) Automated pharmacy systems shall have adequate security and procedures to:
(I) comply with federal and state laws and regulations; and
(II) maintain patient confidentiality.
(iv) Access to the automated pharmacy system shall be limited to pharmacists or personnel who:
(I) are designated in writing by the pharmacist-in-charge; and
(II) have completed documented training concerning their duties associated with the automated pharmacy system.
(v) Drugs shall be stored in compliance with the provisions of §291.15 of this title (relating to Storage of Drugs) and §291.33(f)(2) of this title including the requirements for temperature and handling of outdated drugs.
(D) Prescription dispensing and delivery.
(i) Drugs shall only be dispensed at a remote site through an automated pharmacy system after receipt of an original prescription drug order by a pharmacist at the provider pharmacy in a manner authorized by §291.34(b) of this title.
(ii) A pharmacist at the provider pharmacy shall control all operations of the automated pharmacy system and approve the release of the initial dose of a prescription drug order. Subsequent doses from an approved prescription drug order may be removed from the automated medication system after this initial approval. Any change made in the prescription drug order shall require a new approval by a pharmacist to release the drug.
(iii) A pharmacist at the provider pharmacy shall conduct a drug regimen review as specified in §291.33(c) of this title prior to releasing a prescription drug order to the automated pharmacy system.
(iv) Drugs dispensed by the provider pharmacy through an automated pharmacy system shall comply with the labeling or labeling alternatives specified in §291.33(c) of this title.
(v) An automated pharmacy system used to meet the emergency medication needs for residents of a remote site must comply with the requirements for emergency medication kits in subsection (b) of this section.
(E) Drugs.
(i) Drugs for use in an automated pharmacy system shall be packaged in the original manufacturer's container or be prepackaged in the provider pharmacy and labeled in compliance with the board's prepackaging requirements for the class of pharmacy.
(ii) Drugs dispensed from the automated pharmacy system may be returned to the pharmacy for reuse provided the drugs are in sealed, tamper evident packaging which has not been opened.
(F) Stocking an automated pharmacy system.
(i) Stocking of drugs in an automated pharmacy system shall be completed by a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph.
(ii) If the automated pharmacy system uses removable cartridges or containers to hold drugs, the prepackaging of the cartridges or containers shall occur at the provider pharmacy unless provided by an FDA approved repackager. The prepackaged cartridges or containers may be sent to the remote site to be loaded into the machine by personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge provided:
(I) a pharmacist verifies the cartridge or container has been properly filled and labeled;
(II) the individual cartridges or containers are transported to the remote site in a secure, tamper-evident container; and
(III) the automated pharmacy system uses bar-coding, microchip, or other technologies to ensure that the containers are accurately loaded in the automated pharmacy system.
(iii) All drugs to be stocked in the automated pharmacy system shall be delivered to the remote site by the provider pharmacy.
(G) Quality assurance program. A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated pharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to a written program for quality assurance of the automated pharmacy system which:
(i) requires continuous supervision of the automated pharmacy system; and
(ii) establishes mechanisms and procedures to routinely test the accuracy of the automated pharmacy system at a minimum of every six months and whenever any upgrade or change is made to the system and documents each such activity.
(H) Policies and procedures of operation.
(i) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated pharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to written policies and procedures. The policy and procedure manual shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(I) a current list of the name and address of the pharmacist-in-charge and personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge to have access to the drugs stored in the automated pharmacy system;
(II) duties which may only be performed by a pharmacist;
(III) a copy of the portion of the written contract or agreement between the pharmacy and the facility which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party relating to the operation of the automated pharmacy system in fulfilling the terms of the contract in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;
(IV) date of last review/revision of the policy and procedure manual; and
(V) policies and procedures for:
(-a-) security;
(-b-) operation of the automated pharmacy system;
(-c-) preventative maintenance of the automated pharmacy system;
(-d-) sanitation;
(-e-) storage of drugs;
(-f-) dispensing;
(-g-) supervision;
(-h-) drug procurement;
(-i-) receiving of drugs;
(-j-) delivery of drugs; and
(-k-) recordkeeping.
(ii) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated pharmacy system at a remote site shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.
(iii) A pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services using an automated pharmacy system shall maintain a written plan for recovery from an event which interrupts the ability of the automated pharmacy system to dispense prescription drugs. The written plan for recovery shall include:
(I) planning and preparation for maintaining pharmacy services when an automated pharmacy system is experiencing downtime;
(II) procedures for response when an automated pharmacy system is experiencing downtime; and
(III) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.
(5) Records.
(A) Maintenance of records.
(i) Every record required under this section must be:
(I) kept by the provider pharmacy and be available, for at least two years for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and
(II) supplied by the provider pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records must be provided in an electronic format if specifically requested by the board or its representative. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.
(ii) The provider pharmacy shall maintain original prescription drug orders for drugs dispensed from an automated pharmacy system in compliance with §291.34(b) of this title.
(iii) if prescription drug records are maintained in a data processing system, the system shall have a workable (electronic) data retention system which can produce a separate audit trail of drug usage by the provider pharmacy and each remote site for the preceding two years as specified in §291.34(e) of this title.
(B) Prescriptions. Prescription drug orders shall meet the requirements of §291.34(b) of this title.
(C) Records of dispensing. Dispensing records for a prescription drug order shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy in the manner required by §291.34(d) or (e) of this title.
(D) Transaction information.
(i) The automated pharmacy system shall electronically record all transactions involving drugs stored in, removed, or dispensed from the system.
(ii) Records of dispensing from an automated pharmacy system for a patient shall be maintained by the providing pharmacy and include the:
(I) identity of the system accessed;
(II) identification of the individual accessing the system;
(III) date of transaction;
(IV) name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of drug accessed; and
(V) name of the patient for whom the drug was accessed.
(iii) Records of stocking or removal from an automated pharmacy system shall be maintained by the pharmacy and include the:
(I) date;
(II) name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of drug stocked or removed;
(III) name, initials, or identification code of the person stocking or removing drugs from the system; and
(IV) name, initials, or identification code of the pharmacist who checks and verifies that the system has been accurately filled.
(E) Patient medication records. Patient medication records shall be created and maintained by the provider pharmacy in the manner required by §291.34(c) of this title.
(F) Inventory.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall:
(I) keep a record of all drugs sent to and returned from a remote site separate from the records of the provider pharmacy and from any other remote site's records; and
(II) keep a perpetual inventory of controlled substances and other drugs required to be inventoried under §291.17 of this title (relating to Inventory Requirements) that are received and dispensed or distributed from each remote site.
(ii) As specified in §291.17 of this title, a provider pharmacy shall conduct an inventory at each remote site. The following is applicable to this inventory.
(I) The inventory of each remote site and the provider pharmacy shall be taken on the same day.
(II) The inventory of each remote site shall be included with, but listed separately from, the drugs of other remote sites and separately from the drugs of the provider pharmacy.
(b) Remote pharmacy services using emergency medication kits.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the provision of pharmacy services by a Class A or Class C pharmacy in a facility that is not at the same location as the Class A or Class C pharmacy through an emergency medication kit as outlined in §562.108 of the Texas Pharmacy Act.
(2) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this subsection, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. All other words and terms shall have the meanings defined in the Act or §291.31 of this title.
(A) Automated pharmacy system--A mechanical system that dispenses prescription drugs and maintains related transaction information.
(B) Emergency medication kits--Controlled substances and dangerous drugs maintained by a provider pharmacy to meet the emergency medication needs of a resident:
(i) at an institution licensed under Chapter 242 or 252, Health and Safety Code; or
(ii) at an institution licensed under Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code and that is a veterans home as defined by the §164.002, Natural Resources Code, if the provider pharmacy is a United States Department of Veterans Affairs pharmacy or another federally operated pharmacy.
(C) Prepackaging--The act of repackaging and relabeling quantities of drug products from a manufacturer's original commercial container, or quantities of unit dosed drugs, into another cartridge or container for dispensing by a pharmacist using an emergency medication kit.
(D) Provider pharmacy--The community pharmacy (Class A), the institutional pharmacy (Class C), the non-resident pharmacy (Class E) located not more than 20 miles from an institution licensed under Chapter 242 or 252, Health and Safety Code, or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs pharmacy or another federally operated pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services.
(E) Remote pharmacy service--The provision of pharmacy services, including the storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, in remote sites.
(F) Remote site--A facility not located at the same location as a Class A, Class C, Class E pharmacy or a United States Department of Veterans Affairs pharmacy or another federally operated pharmacy, at which remote pharmacy services are provided using an emergency medication kit.
(3) General requirements.
(A) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services using an emergency medication kit to an institution regulated under Chapter 242, or 252, Health and Safety Code.
(B) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services at more than one remote site.
(C) A provider pharmacy shall not place an emergency medication kit in a remote site which already has a kit from another provider pharmacy except as provided by paragraph (4)(B)(iii) of this subsection.
(D) A provider pharmacy which is licensed as an institutional (Class C) or a non-resident (Class E) pharmacy is required to comply with the provisions of §§291.31 - 291.34 of this title and this section.
(E) The pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy is responsible for all pharmacy operations involving the emergency medication kit located at the remote site including supervision of the emergency medication kit and compliance with this section.
(4) Operational standards.
(A) Application for permission to provide pharmacy services using an emergency medication kit.
(i) A Class A, Class C, or Class E pharmacy shall file a completed application containing all information required by the board to provide remote pharmacy services using an emergency medication kit and pay the application fee specified in §291.6(e)(2) of this title.
(ii) Such application shall be resubmitted every two years in conjunction with the application for renewal of the provider pharmacy's license.
(iii) Upon approval of the application, the provider pharmacy will be issued a certificate which must be displayed at the remote site.
(B) Notification requirements.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of a discontinuance of service, or closure of:
(I) a remote site where an emergency medication kit is operated by the pharmacy; or
(II) a remote pharmacy service at a remote site.
(ii) A provider pharmacy shall comply with appropriate federal and state controlled substance registrations for each remote site if controlled substances are maintained within an emergency medication kit at the facility.
(iii) If more than one provider pharmacy provides an emergency kit to a remote site, the provider pharmacies must enter into a written agreement as to the emergency medications supplied by each pharmacy. The written agreement shall include reasons why an additional pharmacy is required to meet the emergency medication needs of the residents of the institution.
(iv) A provider pharmacy shall file a change of location and/or name of a remote site as specified in §291.3 of this title.
(C) Environment/Security.
(i) Emergency medication kits shall have adequate security and procedures to:
(I) prohibit unauthorized access;
(II) comply with federal and state laws and regulations; and
(III) maintain patient confidentiality.
(ii) Access to the emergency medication kit shall be limited to pharmacists and licensed healthcare personnel employed by the facility.
(iii) Drugs shall be stored in compliance with the provisions of §291.15 and §291.33(f)(2) of this title including the requirements for temperature and handling outdated drugs.
(D) Prescription dispensing and delivery.
(i) Drugs in the emergency medication kit shall be accessed for administration to meet the emergency medication needs of a resident of the remote site pursuant to an order from a practitioner. The prescription drug order for the drugs used from the emergency medication kit shall be forwarded to the provider pharmacy in a manner authorized by §291.34(b) of this title.
(ii) The remote site shall notify the provider pharmacy of each entry into an emergency medication kit. Such notification shall meet the requirements of paragraph (5)(D)(ii) of this subsection.
(E) Drugs.
(i) The contents of an emergency medication kit:
(I) may consist of dangerous drugs and controlled substances; and
(II) shall be determined by the consultant pharmacist, pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy, medical director, and the director of nurses and limited to those drugs necessary to meet the resident's emergency medication needs. For the purpose of this subsection, this shall mean a situation in which a drug cannot be supplied by a pharmacy within a reasonable time period.
(ii) When deciding on the drugs to be placed in the emergency medication kit, the consultant pharmacist, pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy, medical director, and the director of nurses must determine, select, and record a prudent number of drugs for potential emergency incidents based on:
(I) clinical criteria applicable to each facility's demographics;
(II) the facility's census; and
(III) the facility's healthcare environment.
(iii) A current list of the drugs stored in each remote site's emergency medication kit shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy and a copy kept with the emergency medication kit.
(iv) An automated pharmacy system may be used as an emergency medication kit provided the system limits emergency access to only those drugs approved for the emergency medication kit.
(v) Drugs for use in an emergency medication kit shall be packaged in the original manufacturer's container or prepackaged in the provider pharmacy and labeled in compliance with the board's prepackaging requirements for the class of pharmacy.
(F) Stocking emergency medication kits.
(i) Stocking of drugs in an emergency medication kit shall be completed at the provider pharmacy or remote site by a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph.
(ii) If the emergency medication kit is an automated pharmacy system which uses bar-coding, microchip, or other technologies to ensure that the containers or unit dose drugs are accurately loaded, the prepackaging of the containers or unit dose drugs shall occur at the provider pharmacy unless provided by an FDA approved repackager. The prepackaged containers or unit dose drugs may be sent to the remote site to be loaded into the machine by personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge provided:
(I) a pharmacist verifies the container or unit dose drug has been properly filled and labeled;
(II) the individual containers or unit dose drugs are transported to the remote site in a secure, tamper-evident container; and
(III) the automated pharmacy system uses bar-coding, microchip, or other technologies to ensure that the containers or unit dose drugs are accurately loaded in the automated pharmacy system.
(iii) All drugs to be stocked in the emergency medication kit shall be delivered to the remote site by the provider pharmacy.
(G) Policies and procedures of operation.
(i) A provider pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an emergency medication kit at a remote site shall operate according to written policies and procedures. The policy and procedure manual shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(I) duties which may only be performed by a pharmacist;
(II) a copy of the written contract or agreement between the pharmacy and the facility which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party in fulfilling the terms of the contract in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;
(III) date of last review/revision of the policy and procedure manual; and
(IV) policies and procedures for:
(-a-) security;
(-b-) operation of the emergency medication kit;
(-c-) preventative maintenance of the automated pharmacy system if the emergency medication kit is an automated pharmacy system;
(-d-) sanitation;
(-e-) storage of drugs;
(-f-) dispensing;
(-g-) supervision;
(-h-) drug procurement;
(-i-) receiving of drugs;
(-j-) delivery of drugs; and
(-k-) recordkeeping.
(ii) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an emergency medication kit at a remote site shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.
(iii) A pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services using an emergency medication kit which is an automated pharmacy system shall maintain a written plan for recovery from an event which interrupts the ability of the automated pharmacy system to provide emergency medications. The written plan for recovery shall include:
(I) planning and preparation for maintaining pharmacy services when an automated pharmacy system is experiencing downtime;
(II) procedures for response when an automated pharmacy system is experiencing downtime; and
(III) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.
(5) Records.
(A) Maintenance of records.
(i) Every record required under this section must be:
(I) kept by the provider pharmacy and be available, for at least two years, for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and
(II) supplied by the provider pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records must be provided in an electronic format if specifically requested by the board or its representative. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.
(ii) The provider pharmacy shall maintain original prescription drug orders for drugs dispensed from an emergency medication kit in compliance with §291.34(b) of this title.
(B) Prescriptions. Prescription drug orders shall meet the requirements of §291.34(b) of this title.
(C) Records of dispensing. Dispensing records for a prescription drug order shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy in the manner required by §291.34(d) or (e) of this title.
(D) Transaction information.
(i) A prescription drug order shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy as the record of removal of a drug from an emergency medication kit for administration to a patient.
(ii) The remote site shall notify the provider pharmacy electronically or in writing of each entry into an emergency medication kit. Such notification may be included on the prescription drug order or a separate document and shall include the name, strength, and quantity of the drug removed, the time of removal, and the name of the person removing the drug.
(iii) A separate record of stocking, removal, or dispensing for administration from an emergency medication kit shall be maintained by the pharmacy and include the:
(I) date;
(II) name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of drug stocked, removed, or dispensed for administration;
(III) name, initials, or identification code of the person stocking, removing, or dispensing for administration, drugs from the system;
(IV) name, initials, or identification code of the pharmacist who checks and verifies that the system has been accurately filled; and
(V) unique prescription number assigned to the prescription drug order when the drug is administered to the patient.
(E) Inventory.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall:
(I) keep a record of all drugs sent to and returned from a remote site separate from the records of the provider pharmacy and from any other remote site's records; and
(II) keep a perpetual inventory of controlled substances and other drugs required to be inventoried under §291.17 of this title, that are received and dispensed or distributed from each remote site.
(ii) As specified in §291.17 of this title, a provider pharmacy shall conduct an inventory at each remote site. The following is applicable to this inventory.
(I) The inventory of each remote site and the provider pharmacy shall be taken on the same day.
(II) The inventory of each remote site shall be included with, but listed separately from, the drugs of other remote sites and separately from the drugs of the provider pharmacy.
(c) Remote pharmacy services using telepharmacy systems.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the provision of pharmacy services by a Class A or Class C pharmacy in a healthcare facility that is not at the same location as a Class A or Class C pharmacy through a telepharmacy system as outlined in §562.110 of the Texas Pharmacy Act.
(2) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. All other words and terms shall have the meanings defined in the Act or §291.31 of this title.
(A) Provider pharmacy--
(i) a Class A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote dispensing site or at a healthcare facility that is regulated by this state or the United States; or
(ii) a Class C pharmacy that provides pharmacy services though a telepharmacy system at a healthcare facility that is regulated by this state or the United States.
(B) Remote dispensing site--a location licensed as a telepharmacy that is authorized by a provider pharmacy through a telepharmacy system to store and dispense prescription drugs and devices, including dangerous drugs and controlled substances.
(C) Remote healthcare site--a healthcare facility regulated by this state or the United States that is a:
(i) rural health clinic regulated under 42 U.S.C. Section 1395x(aa);
(ii) health center as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 254b;
(iii) healthcare facility located in a medically underserved area as determined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services;
(iv) healthcare facility located in a health professional shortage area as determined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services; or
(v) a federally qualified health center as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(I)(2)(B).
(D) Remote pharmacy service--The provision of pharmacy services, including the storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, drug regimen review, and patient counseling, at a remote site.
(E) Remote site--a remote healthcare site or a remote dispensing site.
(F) Still image capture--A specific image captured electronically from a video or other image capture device.
(G) Store and forward--A video or still image record which is saved electronically for future review.
(H) Telepharmacy system--A system that monitors the dispensing of prescription drugs and provides for related drug use review and patient counseling services by an electronic method which shall include the use of the following types of technology:
(i) audio and video;
(ii) still image capture; and
(iii) store and forward.
(3) General requirements.
(A) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services using a telepharmacy system at a:
(i) remote healthcare site; or
(ii) remote dispensing site.
(B) A provider pharmacy may not provide remote pharmacy services at a remote healthcare site if a Class A or Class C pharmacy that dispenses prescription drug orders to out-patients is located in the same community, unless the remote healthcare site is a federally qualified health center as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(I)(2)(B). For the purposes of this subsection a community is defined as:
(i) the census tract in which the remote site is located, if the remote site is located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as defined by the United States Census Bureau in the most recent U.S. Census; or
(ii) within 10 miles of the remote site, if the remote site is not located in an MSA.
(C) A provider pharmacy may not provide remote pharmacy services at a remote dispensing site if a Class A pharmacy is located within 22 miles by road of the remote dispensing site.
(D) If a Class A or Class C pharmacy is established in a community in which a remote healthcare site has been located, the remote healthcare site may continue to operate.
(E) If a Class A pharmacy is established within 22 miles by road of a remote dispensing site that is currently operating, the remote dispensing site may continue to operate at that location.
(F) Before providing remote pharmacy services, the telepharmacy system at the remote site must be tested by the provider pharmacy and found to operate properly. The provider pharmacy shall make the results of such testing available to the board upon request.
(G) A provider pharmacy which is licensed as a Class C pharmacy is required to comply with the provisions of §§291.31 - 291.34 of this title and this section.
(H) A provider pharmacy can only provide pharmacy services at no more than two remote dispensing sites.
(4) Personnel.
(A) The pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy is responsible for all operations at the remote site including supervision of the telepharmacy system and compliance with this section.
(B) The provider pharmacy shall have sufficient pharmacists on duty such that each pharmacist may supervise no more than two remote sites that are simultaneously open to provide services.
(C) The following duties shall be performed only by a pharmacist at the provider pharmacy:
(i) receiving an oral prescription drug order for a controlled substance;
(ii) interpreting the prescription drug order;
(iii) verifying the accuracy of prescription data entry;
(iv) selecting the drug product to be stored and dispensed at the remote site;
(v) interpreting the patient's medication record and conducting a drug regimen review;
(vi) authorizing the telepharmacy system to print a prescription label at the remote site;
(vii) performing the final check of the dispensed prescription to ensure that the prescription drug order has been dispensed accurately as prescribed; and
(viii) counseling the patient.
(D) A pharmacy technician at the remote site may receive an oral prescription drug order for a dangerous drug.
(5) Operational standards.
(A) Application to provide remote pharmacy services using a telepharmacy system.
(i) A Class A or Class C pharmacy shall file a completed application containing all information required by the board to provide remote pharmacy services using a telepharmacy system and pay the application fee specified in §291.6(e)(3) of this title.
(ii) Such application shall be resubmitted every two years in conjunction with the renewal of the provider pharmacy's license.
(iii) On approval of the application, the provider pharmacy will be issued a license for the remote site, which must be displayed at the remote site.
(iv) If the average number of prescriptions dispensed each day at a remote dispensing site is open for business is more than 125 prescriptions, as calculated each calendar year, the remote dispensing site shall apply for a Class A pharmacy license as specified in §291.1 of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Application).
(B) Notification requirements.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of a discontinuance of service, or closure of a remote site where a telepharmacy system is operated by the pharmacy.
(ii) A provider pharmacy shall comply with appropriate federal and state controlled substance registrations for each remote site, if controlled substances are maintained.
(iii) A provider pharmacy shall file a change of location and/or name of a remote site as specified in §291.3 of this title.
(C) Environment/Security.
(i) A remote site shall be under the continuous supervision of a provider pharmacy pharmacist at all times the site is open to provide pharmacy services. To qualify as continuous supervision, the pharmacist is not required to be physically present at the remote site and shall supervise electronically through the use of the following types of technology:
(I) audio and video;
(II) still image capture; and
(III) store and forward.
(ii) Drugs shall be stored in compliance with the provisions of §291.15 and §291.33(f)(2) of this title including the requirements for temperature and handling of outdated drugs.
(iii) Drugs for use in the telepharmacy system at a remote healthcare site shall be stored in an area that is:
(I) separate from any other drugs used by the healthcare facility; and
(II) locked by key, combination or other mechanical or electronic means, so as to prohibit access by unauthorized personnel.
(iv) Drugs for use in the telepharmacy system at a remote dispensing site shall be stored in an area that is locked by key, combination, or other mechanical or electronic means, so as to prohibit access by unauthorized personnel.
(v) Access to the area where drugs are stored at the remote site and operation of the telepharmacy system shall be limited to:
(I) pharmacists employed by the provider pharmacy;
(II) licensed healthcare providers, if the remote site is a remote healthcare site; and
(III) pharmacy technicians;
(vi) Individuals authorized to access the remote site and operate the telepharmacy system shall:
(I) be designated in writing by the pharmacist-in-charge; and
(II) have completed documented training concerning their duties associated with the telepharmacy pharmacy system.
(vii) Remote sites shall have adequate security and procedures to:
(I) comply with federal and state laws and regulations; and
(II) maintain patient confidentiality.
(D) Prescription dispensing and delivery.
(i) A pharmacist at the provider pharmacy shall conduct a drug regimen review as specified in §291.33(c) of this title prior to delivery of the dispensed prescription to the patient or patient's agent.
(ii) The dispensed prescription shall be labeled at the remote site with the information specified in §291.33(c) of this title.
(iii) A pharmacist at the provider pharmacy shall perform the final check of the dispensed prescription before delivery to the patient to ensure that the prescription has been dispensed accurately as prescribed. This final check shall be accomplished through a visual check using electronic methods.
(iv) A pharmacist at the provider pharmacy shall counsel the patient or patient's agent as specified in §291.33(c) of this title. This counseling may be performed using electronic methods. Non-pharmacist personnel may not ask questions of a patient or patient's agent which are intended to screen and/or limit interaction with the pharmacist.
(v) If the remote site has direct access to the provider pharmacy's data processing system, only a pharmacist or pharmacy technician may enter prescription information into the data processing system.
(vi) Drugs which require reconstitution through the addition of a specified amount of water may be dispensed by the remote site only if a pharmacy technician, pharmacy technician trainee, or licensed healthcare provider reconstitutes the product.
(vii) A telepharmacy system located at a remote dispensing site may not dispense a schedule II controlled substance.
(viii) Drugs dispensed at the remote site through a telepharmacy system shall only be delivered to the patient or patient's agent at the remote site.
(E) Quality assurance program. A pharmacy that provides remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to a written program for quality assurance of the telepharmacy system which:
(i) requires continuous supervision of the telepharmacy system at all times the site is open to provide remote pharmacy services; and
(ii) establishes mechanisms and procedures to routinely test the operation of the telepharmacy system at a minimum of every six months and whenever any upgrade or change is made to the system and documents each such activity.
(F) Policies and procedures.
(i) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to written policies and procedures. The policy and procedure manual shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(I) a current list of the name and address of the pharmacist-in-charge and personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge to have:
(-a-) access to the area where drugs are stored at the remote site; and
(-b-) operate the telepharmacy system;
(II) duties which may only be performed by a pharmacist;
(III) if the remote site is located at a remote healthcare site, a copy of the written contact or agreement between the provider pharmacy and the healthcare facility which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party in fulfilling the terms of the contract or agreement in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;
(IV) date of last review/revision of policy and procedure manual; and
(V) policies and procedures for:
(-a-) security;
(-b-) operation of the telepharmacy system;
(-c-) sanitation;
(-d-) storage of drugs;
(-e-) dispensing;
(-f-) supervision;
(-g-) drug and/or device procurement;
(-h-) receiving of drugs and/or devices;
(-i-) delivery of drugs and/or devices; and
(-j-) recordkeeping.
(ii) A pharmacy that provides remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.
(iii) A pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system shall maintain a written plan for recovery from an event which interrupts the ability of a pharmacist to electronically supervise the telepharmacy system and the dispensing of prescription drugs at the remote site. The written plan for recovery shall include:
(I) a statement that prescription drugs shall not be dispensed at the remote site, if a pharmacist is not able to electronically supervise the telepharmacy system and the dispensing of prescription drugs;
(II) procedures for response when a telepharmacy system is experiencing downtime; and
(III) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.
(6) Additional operational standards for remote dispensing sites.
(A) A pharmacist employed by a provider pharmacy shall make at least monthly on-site visits to a remote site. The remote site shall maintain documentation of the visit.
(B) A pharmacist employed by a provider pharmacy shall be physically present at a remote dispensing site when the pharmacist is providing services requiring the physical presence of the pharmacist, including immunizations.
(C) A remote dispensing site shall be staffed by an on-site pharmacy technician who is under the continuous supervision of a pharmacist employed by the provider pharmacy.
(D) All pharmacy technicians at a remote dispensing site shall be counted for the purpose of establishing the pharmacist-pharmacy technician ratio of the provider pharmacy which, notwithstanding Section 568.006 of the Act, may not exceed three pharmacy technicians for each pharmacist providing supervision.
(E) A pharmacy technician working at a remote dispensing site must:
(i) have worked at least one year at a retail pharmacy during the three years preceding the date the pharmacy technician begins working at the remote dispensing site; and
(ii) have completed a training program on the proper use of a telepharmacy system.
(F) A pharmacy technician at a remote dispensing site may not perform sterile or nonsterile compounding. However, a pharmacy technician may prepare commercially available medications for dispensing, including the reconstitution of orally administered powder antibiotics.
(7) Records.
(A) Maintenance of records.
(i) Every record required under this section must be:
(I) accessible by the provider pharmacy and be available, for at least two years for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and
(II) supplied by the provider pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records must be provided in an electronic format if specifically requested by the board or its representative. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.
(ii) The remote site shall maintain original prescription drug orders for medications dispensed from a remote site using a telepharmacy system in the manner required by §291.34(b) of this title and the provider pharmacy shall have electronic access to all prescription records.
(iii) If prescription drug records are maintained in a data processing system, the system shall have a workable (electronic) data retention system which can produce a separate audit trail of drug usage by the provider pharmacy and by each remote site for the preceding two years as specified in §291.34(e) of this title.
(B) Prescriptions. Prescription drug orders shall meet the requirements of §291.34(b) of this title.
(C) Patient medication records. Patient medication records shall be created and maintained at the remote site or provider pharmacy in the manner required by §291.34(c) of this title. If such records are maintained at the remote site, the provider pharmacy shall have electronic access to those records.
(D) Inventory.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall:
(I) keep a record of all drugs ordered and dispensed by a remote site separate from the records of the provider pharmacy and from any other remote site's records;
(II) keep a perpetual inventory of all controlled substances that are received and dispensed or distributed from each remote site. The perpetual inventory shall be reconciled, by a pharmacist employed by the provider pharmacy, at least monthly.
(ii) As specified in §291.17 of this title, a provider pharmacy shall conduct an inventory at each remote site. The following is applicable to this inventory.
(I) The inventory of each remote site and the provider pharmacy shall be taken on the same day.
(II) The inventory of each remote site shall be included with, but listed separately from, the drugs of other remote sites and separately from the drugs at the provider pharmacy.
(III) A copy of the inventory of the remote site shall be maintained at the remote site.
(d) Remote pharmacy services using automated dispensing and delivery systems.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the provision of pharmacy services by a Class A or Class C pharmacy in a facility that is not at the same location as the Class A or Class C pharmacy through an automated dispensing and delivery system.
(2) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. All other words and terms shall have the meanings defined in the Act.
(A) Automated dispensing and delivery system--A mechanical system that dispenses and delivers prescription drugs to patients at a remote delivery site and maintains related transaction information.
(B) Deliver or delivery--The actual, constructive, or attempted transfer of a prescription drug or device or controlled substance from one person to another, whether or not for a consideration.
(C) Dispense--Preparing, packaging, compounding, or labeling for delivery a prescription drug or device in the course of professional practice to an ultimate user or his agent by or pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner.
(D) Provider pharmacy--The community pharmacy (Class A) or the institutional pharmacy (Class C) providing remote pharmacy services.
(E) Remote delivery site--A location at which remote pharmacy services are provided using an automated dispensing and delivery system.
(F) Remote pharmacy service--The provision of pharmacy services, including the dispensing and delivery of prescription drugs, in remote delivery sites.
(3) General requirements for a provider pharmacy to provide remote pharmacy services using an automated dispensing and delivery system to dispense and deliver a prescription that is verified by the provider pharmacy to a patient or patient's agent.
(A) The pharmacist-in-charge of the provider pharmacy is responsible for all pharmacy operations involving the automated dispensing and delivery system located at the remote delivery site including supervision of the automated dispensing and delivery system and compliance with this section.
(B) The patient or patient's agent shall receive counseling via a direct link to audio or video communication by a Texas licensed pharmacist who has access to the complete patient medication record (patient profile) maintained by the provider pharmacy prior to the release of any new prescription released from the system.
(C) A pharmacist shall be accessible at all times to respond to patients' or other health professionals' questions and needs pertaining to drugs delivered through the use of the automated dispensing and delivery system. Such access may be through a 24 hour pager service or telephone which is answered 24 hours a day.
(D) The patient or patient's agent shall be given the option whether to use the system.
(E) An electronic notice shall be provided to the patient or patient's agent at the remote delivery site with the following information:
(i) the name and address of the pharmacy that verified the prescription; and
(ii) a statement that a pharmacist is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the use of telephonic communication.
(F) Drugs stored in the automated dispensing and distribution system shall be stored at proper temperatures, as defined in the USP/NF and §291.15 of this title.
(G) A provider pharmacy may only provide remote pharmacy services using an automated dispensing and delivery system to patients at a board-approved remote delivery site.
(H) A provider pharmacy may provide remote pharmacy services at more than one remote delivery site.
(I) Before providing remote pharmacy services, the automated dispensing and delivery system at the remote delivery site must be tested by the provider pharmacy and found to dispense and deliver accurately. The provider pharmacy shall make the results of such testing available to the board upon request.
(J) A provider pharmacy which is licensed as an institutional (Class C) pharmacy is required to comply with the provisions of §§291.31 - 291.34 of this title and this section.
(4) Operational standards.
(A) Application to provide remote pharmacy services using an automated dispensing and delivery system.
(i) A community (Class A) or institutional (Class C) pharmacy shall file a completed application containing all information required by the board to provide remote pharmacy services using an automated dispensing and delivery system and pay the application fee specified in §291.6(e)(4) of this title.
(ii) Such application shall be resubmitted every two years in conjunction with the application for renewal of the provider pharmacy's license.
(iii) Upon approval of the application, the provider pharmacy will be issued a certificate which must be displayed at the provider pharmacy.
(B) Notification requirements.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of a discontinuance of service.
(ii) A provider pharmacy shall comply with appropriate controlled substance registrations for each remote delivery site if dispensed controlled substances are maintained within an automated dispensing and delivery system at the facility.
(iii) A provider pharmacy shall file an application for change of location and/or name of a remote delivery site as specified in §291.3 of this title.
(C) Environment/Security.
(i) A provider pharmacy shall only store prescription drugs at a remote delivery site within an automated dispensing and delivery system which is locked by key, combination or other mechanical or electronic means so as to prohibit access by unauthorized personnel.
(ii) Access to the automated dispensing and delivery system shall be limited to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees under the direct supervision of a pharmacist who:
(I) are designated in writing by the pharmacist-in-charge; and
(II) have completed documented training concerning their duties associated with the automated dispensing and delivery system.
(iii) Drugs shall be stored in compliance with the provisions of §291.15 of this title and §291.33(c)(8) of this title, including the requirements for temperature and the return of undelivered medication to stock.
(iv) the automated dispensing and delivery system must have an adequate security system, including security camera(s), to prevent unauthorized access and to maintain patient confidentiality.
(D) Stocking an automated dispensing and delivery system. Stocking of prescription drugs in an automated dispensing and delivery system shall be completed under the supervision of a pharmacist.
(E) Quality assurance program. A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated dispensing and delivery system at a remote delivery site shall operate according to a written program for quality assurance of the automated dispensing and delivery system which:
(i) requires continuous supervision of the automated dispensing and delivery system; and
(ii) establishes mechanisms and procedures to routinely test the accuracy of the automated dispensing and delivery system at a minimum of every six months and whenever any upgrade or change is made to the system and documents each such activity.
(F) Policies and procedures of operation.
(i) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated dispensing and delivery system at a remote delivery site shall operate according to written policies and procedures. The policy and procedure manual shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(I) a current list of the names and addresses of the pharmacist-in-charge and all personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge to have access to the prescription drugs stored in the automated dispensing and delivery system;
(II) duties which may only be performed by a pharmacist;
(III) a copy of the portion of the written contract or lease agreement between the pharmacy and the remote delivery site location which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party relating to the operation of the automated dispensing and delivery system in fulfilling the terms of the contract in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;
(IV) date of last review/revision of the policy and procedure manual; and
(V) policies and procedures for:
(-a-) security;
(-b-) operation of the automated dispensing and delivery system;
(-c-) preventative maintenance of the automated dispensing and delivery system;
(-d-) sanitation;
(-e-) storage of prescription drugs;
(-f-) supervision;
(-g-) delivery of prescription drugs; and
(-h-) recordkeeping.
(ii) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through an automated dispensing and delivery system at a remote delivery site shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.
(iii) A pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services using an automated dispensing and delivery system shall maintain a written plan for recovery from an event which interrupts the ability of the automated dispensing and delivery system to dispense and deliver prescription drugs. The written plan for recovery shall include:
(I) planning and preparation for maintaining pharmacy services when an automated dispensing and delivery system is experiencing downtime;
(II) procedures for response when an automated dispensing and delivery system is experiencing downtime; and
(III) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.
(5) Records.
(A) Maintenance of records.
(i) Every record required under this section must be:
(I) kept by the provider pharmacy and be available, for at least two years for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and
(II) supplied by the provider pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records must be provided in an electronic format if specifically requested by the board or its representative. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.
(ii) The provider pharmacy shall have a workable (electronic) data retention system which can produce a separate audit trail of drug delivery and retrieval transactions at each remote delivery site for the preceding two years.
(B) Transaction information.
(i) The automated dispensing and delivery system shall electronically record all transactions involving drugs stored in, removed, or delivered from the system.
(ii) Records of delivery from an automated dispensing and delivery system for a patient shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy and include the:
(I) identity of the system accessed;
(II) identification of the individual accessing the system;
(III) date of transaction;
(IV) prescription number, drug name, strength, dosage form;
(V) number of prescriptions retrieved;
(VI) name of the patient for whom the prescription was retrieved;
(VII) name of prescribing practitioner; and
(VIII) name of pharmacist responsible for consultation with the patient, if required, and documentation that the consultation was performed.
(iii) Records of stocking or removal from an automated dispensing and delivery system shall be maintained by the pharmacy and include the:
(I) count of bulk prescription drugs stored or removed;
(II) number of dispensed prescription packages removed;
(III) name, initials, or identification code of the person stocking or removing prescription drugs from the system; and
(IV) name, initials, or identification code of the pharmacist who checks and verifies that the system has been accurately filled.
(C) The pharmacy shall make the automated dispensing and delivery system and any records of the system, including testing records, available for inspection by the board.
(D) The automated dispensing and delivery system records a digital image of the individual accessing the system to pick-up a prescription and such record is maintained by the pharmacy for two years.
Source Note: The provisions of this §291.121 adopted to be effective September 18, 2007, 32 TexReg 6352; amended to be effective September 14, 2010, 35 TexReg 8358; amended to be effective December 7, 2014, 39 TexReg 9358; amended to be effective January 4, 2018, 42 TexReg 7700; amended to be effective June 7, 2018, 43 TexReg 3591; amended to be effective March 12, 2019, 44 TexReg 1334; amended to be effective December 9, 2019, 44 TexReg 7545; amended to be effective September 9, 2020, 45 TexReg 6236; amended to be effective December 10, 2020, 45 TexReg 8864; amended to be effective September 9, 2021, 46 TexReg 5560; amended to be effective June 6, 2022, 47 TexReg3262; amended to be effective May 24, 2023, 48 TexReg 2577; amended to be effective August 27, 2023, 48 TexReg 4670; amended to be effective December 4, 2023, 48 TexReg 7060