(a) Purpose.
(1) The purpose of this section is to provide standards for centralized prescription drug or medication order processing by a Class A (Community), Class C (Institutional), or Class E (Non-Resident) pharmacy.
(2) Any facility established for the purpose of processing prescription drug or medication drug orders shall be licensed as a Class A, Class C, or Class E pharmacy under the Act. However, nothing in this subsection shall prohibit an individual pharmacist employee, individual pharmacy technician employee, or individual pharmacy technician trainee employee who is licensed in Texas from remotely accessing the pharmacy's electronic data base from outside the pharmacy in order to process prescription or medication drug orders, provided the pharmacy establishes controls to protect the privacy and security of confidential records.
(b) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Any term not defined in this section shall have the definition set out in the Act. Centralized prescription drug or medication order processing--the processing of a prescription drug or medication orders by a Class A, Class C, or Class E pharmacy on behalf of another pharmacy, a health care provider, or a payor. Centralized prescription drug or medication order processing does not include the dispensing of a prescription drug order but includes any of the following:
(1) receiving, interpreting, or clarifying prescription drug or medication drug orders;
(2) data entering and transferring of prescription drug or medication order information;
(3) performing drug regimen review;
(4) obtaining refill and substitution authorizations;
(5) interpreting clinical data for prior authorization for dispensing;
(6) performing therapeutic interventions; and
(7) providing drug information concerning a patient's prescription.
(c) Operational Standards.
(1) General requirements.
(A) A Class A, Class C, or Class E Pharmacy may outsource prescription drug or medication order processing to another Class A, Class C, or Class E pharmacy provided the pharmacies:
(i) have:
(I) the same owner; or
(II) entered into a written contract or agreement which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each pharmacy in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations; and
(ii) share a common electronic file or have appropriate technology to allow access to sufficient information necessary or required to process a non-dispensing function.
(B) A pharmacy that performs centralized prescription drug or medication order processing shall comply with the provisions applicable to the class of pharmacy contained in either §§291.31 - 291.35 of this title (relating to Definitions, Personnel, Operational Standards, Records, and Official Prescription Requirements in Class A (Community) Pharmacies), or §§291.72 - 291.75 of this title (relating to Definitions, Personnel, Operational Standards, and Records in a Class C (Institutional) Pharmacy), or §§291.102 - 291.105 of this title (relating to Definitions, Personnel, Operational Standards, and Records in a Class E (Non-Resident) Pharmacy) to the extent applicable for the specific processing activity and this section including:
(i) duties which must be performed by a pharmacist; and
(ii) supervision requirements for pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician trainees.
(2) Notifications to patients.
(A) A pharmacy that outsources prescription drug or medication order processing to another pharmacy shall prior to outsourcing their prescription:
(i) notify patients that prescription processing may be outsourced to another pharmacy; and
(ii) give the name of that pharmacy; or if the pharmacy is part of a network of pharmacies under common ownership and any of the network pharmacies may process the prescription, the patient shall be notified of this fact. Such notification may be provided through a one-time written notice to the patient or through use of a sign in the pharmacy.
(B) The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to patients in facilities where drugs are administered to patients by a person required to do so by the laws of the state (i.e., hospitals or nursing homes).
(3) Policy and Procedures. A policy and procedure manual as it relates to central processing shall be maintained at all pharmacies involved in central processing and be available for inspection. Each pharmacy is required to maintain only those portions of the policy and procedure manual that relate to that pharmacy's operations. The manual shall:
(A) outline the responsibilities of each of the pharmacies;
(B) include a list of the name, address, telephone numbers, and all license/registration numbers of the pharmacies involved in centralized prescription drug or medication order processing; and
(C) include policies and procedures for:
(i) protecting the confidentiality and integrity of patient information;
(ii) maintenance of appropriate records to identify the name(s), initials, or identification code(s) and specific activity(ies) of each pharmacist or pharmacy technician who performed any processing;
(iii) complying with federal and state laws and regulations;
(iv) operating a continuous quality improvement program for pharmacy services designed to objectively and systematically monitor and evaluate the quality and appropriateness of patient care, pursue opportunities to improve patient care, and resolve identified problems; and
(v) annually reviewing the written policies and procedures and documenting such review.
(d) Records. All pharmacies shall maintain appropriate records which identify, by prescription drug or medication order, the name(s), initials, or identification code(s) of each pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician trainee who performs a processing function for a prescription drug or medication order. Such records may be maintained:
(1) separately by each pharmacy and pharmacist; or
(2) in a common electronic file as long as the records are maintained in such a manner that the data processing system can produce a printout which lists the functions performed by each pharmacy and pharmacist.
Source Note: The provisions of this §291.123 adopted to be effective September 18, 2007, 32 TexReg 6352; amended to be effective June 20, 2019, 44 TexReg 2951