(a) The provider must implement a process to ensure the competency of a case manager and a case manager supervisor that, at a minimum, ensures:
(1) an accurate knowledge of the requirements of this subchapter and the following subchapters of this title:
(A) Chapter 412, Subchapter G of this title (relating to Mental Health Community Services Standards);
(B) Chapter 404, Subchapter E of this title (relating to Rights of Persons Receiving Mental Health Services);
(C) Chapter 414, Subchapter L of this title (relating to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in Local Authorities and Community Centers); and
(D) Chapter 411, Subchapter N of this title (relating to Standards for Services to Individuals with Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (COPSD));
(2) an accurate understanding of the nature of mental illness and serious emotional disturbance;
(3) an awareness and sensitivity in communicating and coordinating services with an individual who has a special physical need such as a hearing or visual impairment;
(4) the ability to respond to an individual's language and cultural needs through knowledge of customs, beliefs, and values of various, racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups;
(5) the ability to complete the uniform assessment;
(6) the ability to understand and apply the utilization management guidelines;
(7) the ability to develop and implement a plan if the case manager is providing intensive case management services to a child or adolescent;
(8) the ability to identify an individual in crisis;
(9) knowledge of appropriate actions to take in managing a crisis;
(10) an understanding of the developmental needs of an adult, a child, or an adolescent;
(11) an understanding of the wraparound planning process or other department-approved model, if the case manager is providing intensive case management services to a child or adolescent;
(12) knowledge of health and human services available to a child or adolescent as described in Texas Government Code, §531.0244, if the case manager is providing intensive case management services to a child or adolescent;
(13) knowledge of available resources within the local community;
(14) knowledge of strategies for advocating effectively on behalf of individuals; and
(15) the ability to document the MH case management services described in §412.413 of this title (relating to Documenting MH Case Management Services).
(b) The provider shall require each case manager and case manager supervisor, prior to providing MH case management services, to:
(1) demonstrate the competencies described in subsection (a) of this section; and
(2) ensure that documentation verifying competencies is maintained in the personnel record of each case manager and case manager supervisor.
Source Note: The provisions of this §306.273 adopted to be effective February 14, 2013, 38 TexReg 647; transferred effective February 15, 2020, as published in the Texas Register January 17, 2020, 45 TexReg 469