(a) A medical record must be maintained for each individual, in accordance with §510.41(g) of this title (relating to Facility Functions and Services). The medical record must include:
(1) a signed voluntary commitment, signed order of protective custody or police officer's warrant, or a notice of detention;
(2) a signed informed consent to treatment, including medication, or documentation of the individual's refusal;
(3) documentation of the reasons the individual, LAR, family members, or other adult caregivers state the individual was admitted to the CSU;
(4) justification for each mental illness or serious emotional disturbance diagnosis and any substance use disorder diagnosis;
(5) the level of monitoring assigned and implemented for the individual, including any changes to the level of monitoring;
(6) the individual's written recovery or treatment plan;
(7) the name of the individual's treating physician;
(8) written findings of the physical examination;
(9) written findings of the psychiatric evaluation, the nursing assessment, and any other assessment of the individual conducted by a staff member, including any re-evaluation or re-assessment;
(10) a summary of any revisions made to the written recovery or treatment plan;
(11) the progress notes for the individual as described in subsection (b) of this section;
(12) documentation of the individual's monitoring by UPs, LVNs, and any assigned staff members responsible for such monitoring, including observations of the individual at pre-determined intervals;
(13) documentation of the discharge planning activities;
(14) the discharge summary; and
(15) documentation of the individual's medical, mental health, and substance use history.
(b) Progress notes are required for each individual. A physician, a physician-delegated PA or APRN, or RN and any assigned staff members providing services to an individual must document the individual's progress and response to treatment provided in the individual's recovery or treatment plan.
Source Note: The provisions of this §306.81 adopted to be effective May 27, 2021, 46 TexReg 3257