(a) In accordance with §301.331 of this title (relating to Competency and Credentialing), a CSU administrator, or administrator's designee, must:
(1) ensure that services are provided by staff members who are operating within their scope of their license, credentialing, job description, or contract specification, and in accordance with applicable state law and rule, including 25 TAC Chapter 415, Subchapter F (relating to Interventions in Mental Health Services);
(2) define competency-based expectations for each CSU staff position and ensure each staff member receives initial training before the staff member assumes responsibilities required by the CSU and annually throughout the staff member's employment with the CSU; and
(3) require all staff members to demonstrate required competencies delineated in §301.331(a)(3)(A) of this title, including:
(A) identifying, preventing, and reporting abuse, exploitation, and neglect of individuals and unprofessional or unethical conduct, in accordance with 25 TAC §417.515 (relating to Staff Training in Identifying, Reporting, and Preventing Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation);
(B) an individual's dignity and rights, in accordance with 25 TAC Chapter 404, Subchapter E (relating to Rights of Persons Receiving Mental Health Services); and
(C) protection of an individual's confidential information, in accordance with relevant state and federal laws, including 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2.
(b) All UPs and any direct care staff members providing services to an individual must receive training and instruction in the following topics and demonstrate critical competencies delineated in §301.331(a)(3)(B) of this title, before the staff member assumes responsibilities required by the CSU and annually throughout the staff member's employment with the CSU:
(1) the implementation of the interdisciplinary treatment program for each individual before performing direct care duties without direct supervision; and
(2) the specialized needs of child, adolescent, and geriatric individuals, and individuals diagnosed with an ID or DD.
(c) An RN, LVN, and UP must receive training in:
(1) monitoring for individual safety; and
(2) infection control.
(d) A CSU nursing supervisor or designee must provide orientation training to a nursing staff member when the CSU nursing supervisor initially assigns the staff member to a unit on either a temporary or long-term basis.
(1) The orientation must include a review of:
(A) the location of equipment and supplies on the unit;
(B) the staff member's responsibilities on the unit;
(C) relevant information about individuals on the unit;
(D) relevant schedules of staff members and individuals; and
(E) procedures for contacting the staff member's supervisor.
(2) A CSU administrator, or administrator's designee, must document the provision of orientation to nursing staff.
(e) A staff member routinely providing treatment to, working with, or providing consultation about a geriatric individual must receive training in the social, psychological, and physiological changes associated with aging.
(f) A QMHP-CS or LPHA whose responsibilities include specialized services and tasks, including screening and assessment, must receive training in, and display specialty competencies for, tasks delineated in §301.331(a)(3)(C) of this title, before providing services for individuals and annually throughout the QMHP-CS's employment or association with the CSU.
(g) QMHP-CS and LPHA training must include instruction, including:
(1) age and developmentally appropriate clinical assessment, intervention, and engagement techniques;
(2) use of telemedicine equipment;
(3) developing and implementing an individualized treatment or recovery plan;
(4) developing and implementing an individualized discharge plan and referring an individual to local community resources;
(5) appropriate actions to take in a crisis; and
(6) clinical specialties directly related to the services to be performed.
(h) In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §572.0025(e), any staff member whose responsibilities include conducting an individual's intake must receive at least eight hours of intake training:
(1) before conducting an intake; and
(2) annually throughout the staff member's employment or association with the CSU.
(i) For any staff member whose responsibilities include conducting an individual's intake, intake training must include instruction regarding:
(1) obtaining relevant information about the individual, including information about finances, insurance benefits, and advance directives;
(2) explaining, orally and in writing, the individual's rights;
(3) explaining, orally and in writing, the CSU's services and treatment as they relate to the individual;
(4) informing the individual in writing, of the existence, telephone number, and address of the protection and advocacy system established in Texas;
(5) informing the individual about the availability of information and assistance from the Ombudsman by contacting the Ombudsman at 1-800-252-8154 or online at hhs.texas.gov/ombudsman, and the Health Facility Licensing complaints line at 1-888-973-0022; and
(6) determining whether the individual comprehends the information provided in accordance with paragraphs (2) - (5) of this subsection.
(j) A staff member who may initiate a restraint or seclusion must receive training in, and demonstrate competency in, performing such interventions in accordance with applicable law and rule, including 25 TAC §415.260 (relating to Initiation of Restraint or Seclusion in a Behavioral Emergency), use of de-escalation techniques, and reporting requirements.
(k) A staff member providing direct care must earn and maintain certification in Basic Life Support provided by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross:
(1) before assuming responsibilities at the CSU; or
(2) no later than 30 days after the staff member is hired by the CSU if another staff member who has such certification is physically present and on duty on the same unit on which the uncertified staff member is on duty.
(l) A CSU administrator, or administrator's designee must:
(1) document when a staff member has successfully completed a training required by this section, including:
(A) the date of the training;
(B) the length of the training session; and
(C) the name of the instructor.
(2) Maintain certification or other evidence issued by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross that a staff member has successfully completed the training in Basic Life Support.
(m) A staff member must perform in accordance with required training and the staff member's credentials.
Source Note: The provisions of this §306.83 adopted to be effective May 27, 2021, 46 TexReg 3257