(a) An association shall provide a test barn for taking specimens for testing. The barn must be adjacent to the Commission veterinarian's office.
(b) The barn must be shielded from the noise and excitement of the races.
(c) The barn must be clean, sanitary, adequately ventilated, and safe for the horses and the individuals who handle the horses.
(d) The barn must be equipped with:
(1) a walk ring large enough to accommodate eight horses;
(2) at least four enclosed stalls, equipped with dutch doors and observation windows;
(3) a washrack that is large enough to accommodate two horses at the same time; and
(4) eight disinfected water buckets for drinking water.
(e) An association shall provide restroom facilities for the test barn employees in close proximity to the test barn.
(f) The area must have only one entrance, which must be locked or guarded at all times. The area must have a security guard present on live race days prior to the first race and remaining until all race horses have been released. The guard shall:
(1) restrict access to the test barn to Commission personnel, test technicians, veterinarians, authorized licensees escorting race horses for testing, and Commission-escorted guests; and
(2) maintain an accurate log of all horses and licensees entering and leaving the test barn on a form approved by the executive secretary.
Source Note: The provisions of this §309.250 adopted to be effective October 21, 1999, 24 TexReg 8969; amended to be effective December 7, 2008, 33 TexReg 10003