(a) Except as provided in §§330.9, 330.11, 330.13, or 330.25 of this title (relating to Registration Required; Notification Required; Waste Management Activities Exempt from Permitting, Registration, or Notification; and Relationship with County Licensing System), no person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit any activity of storage, processing, removal, or disposal of any solid waste unless such activity is authorized by a permit or other authorization from the commission. In the event this requirement is violated, the executive director may seek recourse against not only the person that stored, processed, or disposed of the waste but also against the generator, transporter, owner or operator, or other person who caused, suffered, allowed, or permitted its waste to be stored, processed, or disposed. No person may commence physical construction of a new municipal solid waste (MSW) management facility, a vertical expansion, or a lateral expansion without first having submitted a permit application in accordance with §§330.57, 330.59, 330.61, 330.63, and 330.65 of this title (relating to Permit and Registration Applications for Municipal Solid Waste Facilities; Contents of Part I of the Application; Contents of Part II of the Application; Contents of Part III of the Application; and Contents of Part IV of the Application, respectively) and received a permit from the commission, except as provided otherwise in this section.
(b) A separate permit is required for the storage, transportation, or handling of used oil mixtures collected from oil/water separators. Any person that intends to conduct such activity shall comply with the regulatory requirements of Chapter 324 of this title (relating to Used Oil Standards).
(c) Permits by rule may be granted for persons that compact or transport waste in enclosed containers or enclosed transportation units to a Type IV facility.
(1) A permit by rule is granted for a generator operating a stationary compactor that is only used to compact waste to be disposed of at a Type IV landfill, if all of the following conditions are met.
(A) The generator submits the following information and any requested additional information on forms provided by the executive director:
(i) generator contact person, company name, mailing address, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone number;
(ii) contract renewal date, if applicable;
(iii) rated compaction capability in pounds per cubic yard;
(iv) container size;
(v) description of waste stream to enter compactor;
(vi) receiving MSW Type IV disposal facility name, permit number, mailing address, street address, city, state, ZIP code, telephone number, and contact person; and
(vii) a certification from the generator that states the following: I, (name) ______________________________, (title) _________________________________________ of (company name) __________________, located at (street address) __________________________ in (city) ___________________________________________, certify that the contents of the compactor located at the location stated herein are free of and shall be maintained free of putrescible, hazardous, infectious, and any other waste not allowed in an MSW Type IV landfill.
(B) The generator submits a $75 fee along with the claim for the permit by rule.
(C) The generator complies with the operational requirements of §330.215 of this title (relating to Requirements for Stationary Compactors).
(D) A stationary compactor permit by rule expires after one year. The generator must submit an annual renewal fee in the amount of $75. Failure to timely pay the annual fee eliminates the option of disposal of these wastes at a Type IV landfill until the generator claims a new or renewed permit by rule.
(2) A permit by rule is granted for transporters using enclosed containers or enclosed vehicles to collect and transport brush, construction or demolition wastes, and rubbish along special collection routes to MSW Type IV landfill facilities if all of the following conditions are met.
(A) The owner or operator seeking a special collection route permit by rule submits to the executive director the following information and any requested additional information on forms provided by the executive director:
(i) name of owner and operator, mailing address, street address, city, state, ZIP code, name and title of a contact person, and telephone number;
(ii) receiving MSW Type IV disposal facility name, permit number, mailing address, street address, city, state, ZIP code, telephone number, and contact person;
(iii) information on each transportation unit, including, at a minimum, license number, vehicle identification number, year model, make, capacity in cubic yards, and rated compaction capability in pounds per cubic yard;
(iv) route information, which shall include as a minimum the collection frequency, the day of the week the route is to be collected, and the day and time span within which the route is to arrive at the MSW Type IV landfill;
(v) a description of the wastes to be transported;
(vi) an alternative contingency disposal plan to include alternate trucks to be used or alternative disposal facilities; and
(vii) a signed and notarized certification from the owner or operator that states the following: I, (name) _______, (title) _______, of _______ operating in ______ County, certify that the contents of the vehicles described above will be free of putrescible, household, hazardous, infectious, or any other waste not allowed in an MSW Type IV landfill.
(B) The transporter submits a $100 per vehicle fee along with the claim for a permit by rule.
(C) The transporter documents each load delivered with a trip ticket form provided by the executive director, and provides the trip ticket to the landfill operator prior to discharging the load.
(D) A special collection route permit by rule expires after one year. The owner or operator must submit an annual renewal fee in the amount of $100 per vehicle. Failure to timely pay the annual fee eliminates the option of disposal of these wastes at a Type IV landfill until the owner or operator claims a new or renewed permit by rule.
(E) This paragraph does not apply if the waste load is from a single collection point that is a stationary compactor authorized in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(3) Revision requirements for stationary compactor permits or special collection route permits by rule identified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection are as follows.
(A) An update must be submitted if any information within the original permit by rule submittal changes.
(B) A submittal to update an existing permit by rule must include all of the same documentation required for an original permit by rule submittal.
(d) A major permit amendment, as defined by §305.62 of this title (relating to Amendments), is required to reopen a Type I, Type IAE, Type IV, or Type IVAE MSW facility permitted by the commission or any of its predecessor or successor agencies that has either stopped accepting waste, or only accepted waste in accordance with an emergency authorization, for a period of five years or longer. The MSW facilities covered by this subsection may not be reopened to accept waste again unless the permittee demonstrates compliance with all applicable requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Subtitle D and the implementing Texas state regulations. If an MSW facility was subject to a contract of sale on January 1, 2001, the scope of any public hearing held on the permit amendment required by this subsection is limited to land use compatibility, as provided by §330.57(a) of this title. This subsection does not apply to any MSW facility that has received a permit but never received waste, or that received an approved Subtitle D permit modification before September 1, 2001.
(e) A permit by rule is granted for an animal crematory that meets the following criteria. For facilities that do not meet all the requirements of this subsection, the owner or operator shall submit a permit application under §§330.57, 330.59, 330.61, 330.63, and 330.65 of this title and obtain a permit. To qualify for a permit by rule under this subsection, the following requirements must be met.
(1) General prohibitions. An animal crematory facility shall comply with §330.15(a) of this title (relating to General Prohibitions).
(2) Incineration limits. Incineration of carcasses shall be limited to the conditions specified in §106.494 of this title (relating to Pathological Waste Incinerators (Previously SE 90)). The facility shall not accept animal carcasses that weigh more than the capacity of the largest incinerator at the facility and shall not dismember any carcasses during processing.