(a) Except as provided in §§330.7, 330.11, 330.13, or 330.25 of this title (relating to Permit Required; Notification Required; Waste Management Activities Exempt from Permitting, Registration, or Notification; Relationship with County Licensing System), no person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit any activity of storage, processing, removal, or disposal of any municipal solid waste (MSW) unless that activity is authorized by a registration or other authorization from the commission. In the event this requirement is violated, the executive director may seek recourse against not only the person that stored, processed, or disposed of the waste but also against the generator, transporter, owner or operator, or other person who caused, suffered, allowed, or permitted waste to be stored, processed, or disposed. No person may commence physical construction of a new MSW management facility subject to this registration requirement without first having submitted a registration application in accordance with §§330.57, 330.59, 330.61, 330.63, and 330.65 of this title (relating to Permit and Registration Application Procedures) and received a registration from the commission. A person shall include a statement justifying the facility's eligibility for a registration as established under this section. A person shall submit a claim for a registration by rule in duplicate with one copy sent directly to the appropriate Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regional office.
(b) A registration is required for an MSW transfer station facility that is used in the transfer of MSW to a solid waste processing or disposal facility from any of the following:
(1) a municipality with a population of less than 50,000;
(2) a county with a population of less than 85,000;
(3) a facility used in the transfer of MSW that transfers or will transfer 125 tons per day or less; or
(4) a transfer station located within the permitted boundaries of an MSW Type I or Type IV facility as specified in §330.5(a) of this title (relating to Classification of Municipal Solid Waste Facilities).
(c) A registration is required to establish a waste-separation/recycling facility established at a permitted MSW facility if owned by the permittee.
(d) A registration is required for a facility where the only operation is the storage and/or processing of used and scrap tires as provided for in Chapter 328 of this title (relating to Waste Minimization and Recycling). These facilities shall be registered with the executive director in accordance with Chapter 328 of this title. Failure to operate such registered facilities in accordance with the requirements established in Chapter 328 of this title may be grounds for the revocation of the registration.
(e) A registration is required for any new MSW Type V transfer station that includes a material recovery operation that meets all of the following requirements.
(1) Materials recovery. The owner or operator must recover 10% or more by weight or weight equivalent of the total incoming waste stream for reuse or recycling; ensure that the incoming waste has already been reduced by at least 10% through a source-separation recycling program; or, also operate one or more source-separation recycling programs in the county where the transfer station is located and those source-separation recycling programs manage a total weight or weight equivalent of recyclable materials equal to 10% or more by weight or weight equivalent of the incoming waste stream to all transfer stations to which credit is being applied. The owner or operator must demonstrate in the registration application the method that will be used to assure that the 10% requirement is achieved.
(2) Distance to a landfill. The transfer facility must demonstrate in the registration application that it will transfer the remaining nonrecyclable waste to a landfill not more than 50 miles from the facility.
(f) Except as provided in §330.11(d) of this title, a registration is required for an MSW Type V processing facility that processes only grease trap waste, grit trap waste, or septage or a combination of these three liquid wastes in accordance with either paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection. For the purposes of this section, grit trap waste means grit trap waste from commercial car washes and excludes grit trap waste from other generators.
(1) The facility must attain a 10% recovery of material for beneficial use from the incoming waste. Recovery of material for beneficial use is considered to be the recovery of fats, oils, greases, and the recovery of food solids for composting, but does not include the recovery of water. The Type V processing facilities issued a registration under a permit exemption based on 10% recovery of material for beneficial use must maintain records in accordance with the requirements of §330.219(b)(9) of this title (relating to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements). Records and a report must be provided on a quarterly basis to the executive director that demonstrate that at least 10% of the volume of the waste received was processed to recover solid material that was recycled or reused. Failure to achieve the relevant percent recycling rate in any two quarters within any one-year period will cause a registration to terminate and will require the owner or operator of the facility to obtain a permit to continue facility operations. The quarterly report must provide the volume received, percent solids, and the method of determining the percent solids, processed, disposed, and recycled or reused. Records must be kept on a volume basis in gallons except that solids passing the paint filter test may be reported in cubic yard volume converted to gallons. The methods of recycling or reuse must be specified in the report. Records must be kept for solids and recyclable material leaving these facilities in the form of manifests, shipping documents, or trip tickets. The quarterly report must include manifests, shipping documents, or trip tickets to show where the recyclable material was taken for recycling, and the recycled material must be reconciled with the volume of waste received. Water discharged from processing is not allowed to be counted as part of the 10% recovery of material. Recovery and recycling or reuse of fats, oils, and greases may be considered a part of recycling for this activity. Composting of solids resulting from waste processing may be considered to be recycling as part of this activity. Any material such as lime, polymer, or flocculent added as part of the facility process is not allowed to be considered as part of the 10% recovery of material from the waste stream and must be subtracted from the material considered as recycled. Diversion of material from the waste stream without processing is not considered to be recycling as part of this activity.
(2) The Type V processing facility must be located at a manned treatment facility that is permitted under Texas Water Code, Chapter 26; is permitted to discharge at least one million gallons per day; and is owned by and operated for the benefit of a political subdivision of this state. Facilities that have received a permit and wish to add capacity may apply for a registration in lieu of a permit amendment if the facilities meet the registration requirements established in this chapter.
(g) A registration is required for a mobile liquid waste processing unit that processes only grease trap waste, grit trap waste, or septage or a combination of these three liquid wastes. For the purposes of this section, grit trap waste means grit trap waste from commercial car washes and excludes grit trap waste from other generators. Registration applications shall contain the information specified in §§330.59(a) and (e) - (h), 330.61(a) and (b), and 330.63(a), (d)(6), (h), and (j) of this title (relating to Contents of Part I of the Application; Contents of Part II of the Application; and Contents of Part III of the Application). The following requirements also apply.
(1) Mobile liquid waste processing shall be limited to the processing of liquid waste while at the generator's trap.
(2) Effluent from the processing of the liquid waste must be discharged to the generator's trap or interceptor.
(3) The mobile liquid waste processing units regulated under this section include truck-mounted processes that are also known as separator trucks, and any other liquid waste processes that are not considered to be fixed to a specific location.
(4) This section is not meant to supplant rules or ordinances of local governments where stricter standards are in effect.
(5) This section is not applicable to septage if waste has received only a pH adjustment prior to or during transportation for disposal at a treatment facility permitted under Texas Water Code, Chapter 26, or other authorized facility. Transporters who only adjust septage pH during transportation shall register in accordance with §312.142 of this title (relating to Transporter Registration).