(a) Introduction. This section establishes the Quality Incentive Payment Program (QIPP) for nursing facilities (NFs) providing services under Medicaid managed care (MC) before September 1, 2019. QIPP is designed to incentivize NFs to improve quality and innovation in the provision of NF services to Medicaid recipients, using the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Five-Star Quality Rating System as its measure of success.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply when the terms are used in this section. Terms that are used in this and other sections of this subchapter may be defined in §353.1301 of this subchapter (related to General Provisions).
(1) Baseline--A NF-specific starting measure used as a comparison against NF performance throughout the eligibility period to determine progress in the QIPP Quality Measures.
(2) Benchmark--The CMS National Average prior to the start of the eligibility period by which a NF's progress with the Quality Measures is determined.
(3) CHOW application--An application filed with the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) for a NF change of ownership (CHOW).
(4) DADS--The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services or its successor agency.
(5) Eligibility period--A period of time for which an eligible and enrolled NF may receive the QIPP amounts described in this section. Each QIPP eligibility period is equal to a state fiscal year (FY) beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the following year. Eligibility Period One is equal to FY 2018, beginning September 1, 2017, and ending August 31, 2018.
(6) MCO--A Medicaid managed care organization contracted with HHSC to provide NF services to Medicaid recipients.
(7) Network nursing facility--A NF that has a contract with an MCO for the delivery of Medicaid covered benefits to the MCO's enrollees.
(8) Non-state government-owned NF--A network NF where a non-state governmental entity holds the license and is a party to the NF's Medicaid provider enrollment agreement with the state.
(9) Private NF--A NF that is not owned by a governmental entity.
(10) Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) Validation Report--A monthly report submitted by a NF, that is eligible for and enrolled in QIPP, to an MCO that demonstrates that the NF has convened a meeting to review the NF's CMS-compliant plan for maintaining and improving safety and quality in the NF.
(11) Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP)--A collaboration of interested participants that work collectively to develop and submit to the state a regional plan for health care delivery system reform as defined and established under Chapter 354, Subchapter D, of this title (relating to Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program).
(c) Eligibility for participation in QIPP. A NF is eligible to participate in QIPP if it complies with the requirements described in this subsection for each eligibility period.
(1) Eligibility Period One. A NF is eligible to participate in QIPP for Eligibility Period One if it meets the following requirements:
(A) The NF is a non-state government-owned NF.
(i) The NF must be a non-state government-owned NF with a Medicaid contract effective date of April 1, 2017, or earlier. A NF undergoing a CHOW from privately owned to non-state government owned will only be eligible under this subparagraph if DADS received a completed CHOW application by March 2, 2017, and all required documents pertaining to the CHOW (i.e., DADS must have a complete application for a change of ownership license as described under 40 TAC §19.201 (relating to Criteria for Licensing), §19.210 (relating to Change of Ownership License), and §19.2308 (relating to Change of Ownership)) by March 31, 2017.
(ii) The non-state governmental entity that owns the NF must certify the following facts on a form prescribed by HHSC.
(I) that it is a non-state government-owned NF where a non-state governmental entity holds the license and is party to the facility's Medicaid contract; and
(II) that all funds transferred to HHSC via an intergovernmental transfer (IGT) for use as the state share of payments are public funds.
(iii) The NF must have been a participant in the Minimum Payment Amounts Program (MPAP) or must be located in the same RHP as, or within 150 miles of, the non-state governmental entity taking ownership of the facility. This geographic proximity criterion does not apply to NFs that can establish good cause for an exception to this criterion.
(B) Private NFs. The NF must have a percentage of Medicaid NF days of service that is greater than or equal to the private NF QIPP eligibility cut-off point. The private NF QIPP eligibility cut-off point will be equal to the mean percentage of historical Medicaid NF days of service provided under fee-for-service (FFS) and MC by all private NFs plus one standard deviation, as determined by HHSC. For each private NF, the percentage of Medicaid NF days is calculated by summing the NF's Medicaid NF FFS and MC days of service and dividing that sum by the facility's total days of service in all licensed beds. Medicaid hospice days of service are included in the denominator but excluded from the numerator.
(2) Future eligibility periods. Eligibility requirements for eligibility periods after Eligibility Period One are the same as the requirements under paragraph (1) of this subsection except that the deadlines specified in paragraph (1)(A)(i) of this subsection will be updated by HHSC. Updated deadlines will be shared with all NFs by a date to be determined by HHSC.
(d) Data sources for historical units of service. Historical units of service are used to determine the private NF QIPP eligibility cut-off point, individual private NF QIPP eligibility status, and the distribution of QIPP funds across eligible and enrolled NFs.
(1) All data sources referred to in this subsection are subject to validation using HHSC auditing processes or procedures as described under §355.106 of this title (relating to Basic Objectives and Criteria for Audit and Desk Review of Cost Reports).
(2) The data source for the determination of the private NF QIPP eligibility cut-off point is the most recently available, audited Texas Medicaid NF cost report database.
(3) Data sources for the determination of each private NF's QIPP eligibility status are listed in priority order below. For each eligibility period, the data source must align with the NF's fiscal year that ends no more recently than in the calendar year four years prior to the calendar year within which the eligibility period ends. For example, for the eligibility period ending on August 31, 2018, the data source must align with the NF's 2014 fiscal year or an earlier fiscal year and for the eligibility period ending on August 31, 2019, the data source must align with the NF's 2015 fiscal year or an earlier fiscal year.
(A) The most recently available Medicaid NF cost report for the private NF. If no Medicaid NF cost report is available, the data source in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph must be used.
(B) The most recently available Medicaid Direct Care Staff Rate Staffing and Compensation Report for the private NF. If no Medicaid Direct Care Staff Rate Staffing and Compensation Report is available, the data source in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph must be used.
(C) The most recently available Medicaid NF cost report for a prior owner of the private NF. If no Medicaid NF cost report for a prior owner of the private NF is available, the data source in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph must be used.
(D) The most recently available Medicaid Direct Care Staff Rate Staffing and Compensation Report for a prior owner of the private NF. If no Medicaid Direct Care Staff Rate Staffing and Compensation Report for a prior owner of the private NF is available, the private NF is not eligible for participation in QIPP.
(4) Data sources for determination of distribution of QIPP funds across eligible and enrolled NFs. For each eligibility period, the data source must align with the NF's fiscal year that ends no more recently than in the calendar year four years prior to the calendar year within which the eligibility period ends. For example, for the eligibility period ending on August 31, 2018, the data source must align with the NF's 2014 fiscal year or an earlier fiscal year and for the eligibility period ending on August 31, 2019, the data source must align with the NF's 2015 fiscal year or an earlier fiscal year.
(A) The most recently available Medicaid NF cost report for the NF. If the cost report covers less than a full year, reported values are annualized to represent a full year. If no audited Medicaid NF cost report is available, the data source in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph must be used.