(a) Requesting an Appeal. Only the appellant or the appellant's authorized representative has the right to appeal an action by an agency.
(b) During the appeal process, the appellant has the right to:
(1) reapply for assistance;
(2) receive continued benefits if required by state or federal regulation or statute;
(3) confer with supervisory staff within the appropriate agency about the case prior to the hearing;
(4) continue with the fair hearing after a case adjustment or correction is made;
(5) request that reasonable accommodations due to disability or language comprehension be provided at the hearing at no cost;
(6) make an audio recording of the fair hearing;
(7) examine at a reasonable time before the date of the hearing and during the hearing:
(A) the content of the appellant's case file; and
(B) all documents and records to be used by the agency or the skilled nursing facility or nursing facility at the hearing;
(8) review the appeal procedures outlined in agency policy; and
(9) request a copy of the official recording at no charge after the decision is issued.
(c) An appellant or an authorized representative or legal counsel may send written interrogatories or request a pre-hearing conference to get additional information. The written interrogatories must be clear and concise, contain no more than 30 questions, and be submitted no less than 20 days prior to the hearing.
(d) Procedural Rights. The appellant has the right to:
(1) present the case personally or with the aid of others, including but not limited to the appellant's representative or legal counsel;
(2) bring witnesses;
(3) present information about all pertinent facts and circumstances;
(4) present arguments or address anything about the case without undue interference;
(5) confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses; and
(6) submit documentary evidence to the hearings officer before, during, or after the hearing as allowed by the hearings officer. Evidence submitted after the hearing, if accepted, must be entered into the record and shared with all parties.
(e) Appellant's Responsibilities. The appellant or the appellant's authorized representative is responsible for:
(1) participating in the fair hearing; and
(2) informing the hearings officer prior to the fair hearing that the appellant needs an interpreter or other accommodation due to a disability.
Source Note: The provisions of this §357.13 adopted to be effective June 29, 2009, 34 TexReg 4292