Texas Administrative Code
Title 1 Administration
Part 15 Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 357 Hearings
Subchapter A Uniform Fair Hearing Rules
Rule 357.1 Definitions
Rule 357.3 Authority and Right to Appeal
Rule 357.5 Hearings Officer Responsibilities
Rule 357.7 Agency and Designee Responsibilities
Rule 357.9 Burden of Proof in A Fair Hearing
Rule 357.11 Notice and Continued Benefits
Rule 357.13 Appellant Rights and Responsibilities
Rule 357.15 Scheduling Hearings and Notice Requirements
Rule 357.17 Types of Hearings
Rule 357.19 Other Procedures
Rule 357.21 Interpreters in Fair Hearings
Rule 357.23 Hearings Officer Decision and Actions
Rule 357.25 Records and Confidential Information