(a) The Texas Crime Stoppers Council (Council) shall, on application by a crime stoppers organization as defined by §414.001(2) of the Texas Government Code (organization), determine whether the organization meets the requirements to be certified to receive repayments of rewards under Articles 37.073 and 42.152 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, or payments from a defendant under Chapter 42A of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.
(b) The Council shall certify a crime stoppers organization to receive those repayments or payments if, considering the organization, continuity, leadership, community support, and general conduct of the organization, the Council determines that the repayments or payments will be spent to further the crime prevention purposes of the organization.
(c) Certification is valid for two years from the date of issuance or, if applicable, the effective date of continued certification. The Council may take action on a crime stoppers organization's Application for Continuing Certification prior to the expiration of the organization's current certification, and specify the effective date of the continued certification, provided that the effective date is no later than the expiration date of the current certification. If a crime stoppers organization's certification expires, the organization is not eligible to receive repayments of rewards under Articles 37.073 and 42.152 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, or payments from a defendant under Chapter 42A of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, until the organization obtains certification.
(d) A private, nonprofit crime stoppers organization must submit the following information to the director of the Council in order to obtain initial certification:
(1) Documentation from the Internal Revenue Service granting the organization tax-exempt status;
(2) The dates and locations that the following persons completed a training course provided by the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor (CJD) and the Council, or their designee, within the year prior to submission of the organization's application for certification:
(A) one member of the organization's board of directors; and
(B) one of the organization's law enforcement/civilian coordinators; and
(C) the executive director of the organization (if applicable);
(3) A completed and signed Conditions of Certification Form;
(4) The name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, occupation, and board position of each member of the organization's board of directors;
(5) The name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of each of the organization's law enforcement/civilian coordinators;
(6) The name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and occupation of the executive director (if applicable);
(7) The description of the geographic territory or jurisdiction to which the organization desires to provide services; and
(8) Additional information specified by a vote of the Council for inclusion in the application for certification that is necessary for the Council to make the determination for certification required by §414.011(a) of the Texas Government Code or to fulfill its duties under §414.005 of the Texas Government Code. The director of the Council may request further information needed to clarify a question raised in the examination of the materials submitted as part of the application.
(e) A public crime stoppers organization must submit the following information to the director of the Council in order to obtain initial certification:
(1) Proof that one of the organization's law enforcement/civilian coordinators completed a training course provided by CJD and the Council, or their designee, within the year prior to submission of the organization's application for certification;
(2) A completed and signed Conditions of Certification Form;
(3) The name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, occupation, and board position of each member of the organization's governing board;
(4) The name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of each of the organization's law enforcement/civilian coordinators;
(5) The name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and occupation of the organization's executive director (if applicable);
(6) The description of the geographic territory or jurisdiction to which the organization desires to provide services; and
(7) Additional information specified by a vote of the Council for inclusion in the application for certification that is necessary for the Council to make the determination for certification required by §414.011(a) of the Texas Government Code or to fulfill its duties under §414.005 of the Texas Government Code. The director of the Council may request further information needed to clarify a question raised in the examination of the materials submitted as part of the application.
(f) If the organization is currently certified by the Council, the organization must submit the documentation described in subsection (d) or (e) of this section, as applicable, with the exception of the training documentation required by subsections (d)(2) and (e)(1), and the following additional information as part of its Application for Continuing Certification, in each case no more than 240 days and no less than 180 days prior to the expiration of the current certification:
(1) any Crime Stoppers Program Annual Reports that have not been submitted to the director of the Council as required by §3.9011 of this chapter;
(2) any Statistical Reports that have not been submitted to the director of the Council or the Council's designee as required by §3.9011 of this chapter;
(3) the dates and locations that the following persons completed, or plan to complete, a training course provided by CJD and the Council, or their designee, after the date of issuance or the effective date, as applicable, of the current certification:
(A) one member of a private, nonprofit organization's board of directors (if applicable);
(B) one of the organization's law enforcement/civilian coordinators; and
(C) the executive director of a private, nonprofit organization (if applicable); and
(4) additional information specified by a vote of the Council for inclusion in the Application for Continuing Certification that is necessary for the Council to make the determination for certification required by §414.011(a) of the Texas Government Code or to fulfill its duties under §414.005 of the Texas Government Code. The director of the Council may request further information needed to clarify a question raised in the examination of the materials submitted as part of the application.
(g) Certification awarded to an organization is awarded only as to the specific geographic territory or jurisdiction described in the certification award.
(h) Decisions regarding the certification of crime stoppers organizations shall be made by the Council.
(i) If an organization's certification is set to expire before the next anticipated Council meeting, subjecting the organization to the liquidation requirements of §414.010(c), Texas Government Code, and the Council determines that extraordinary circumstances have prevented an organization from submitting a completed Application for Continuing Certification, the Council may consider and take action to renew the organization's certification if it determines that the organization meets the certification requirements described in §414.011, Texas Government Code.
(j) The director of the Council will notify certified organizations of their requirements for continuing certification no less than 90 days prior to the deadline to submit the Application for Continuing Certification under subsection (f) of this section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §3.9000 adopted to be effective August 26, 1999, 24 TexReg 6467; amended to be effective August 26, 2003, 28 TexReg 6805; amended to be effective June 9, 2004, 29 TexReg 5591; amended to be effective February 22, 2007, 32 TexReg 613; amended to be effective July 11, 2010, 35 TexReg 5803; amended to be effective June 12, 2011, 36 TexReg 3407; amended to be effective March 26, 2020, 45 TexReg 1975