Texas Administrative Code
Title 1 Administration
Part 1 Office of the Governor
Chapter 3 Public Safety Office
Subchapter H Texas Crime Stoppers Program
Rule 3.9000 Certification
Rule 3.9005 Decertification
Rule 3.9006 Expiration Or Non-renewal of Certification
Rule 3.9007 Closing of Business
Rule 3.9008 Complaints Or Allegations Against A Crime Stoppers Organization
Rule 3.9011 Crime Stoppers Program Reporting
Rule 3.9015 Review
Rule 3.9017 Mergers of Certified Organizations
Rule 3.9019 Mergers of Non-certified Organizations to Certified Organizations
Rule 3.9021 Addition of Geographic Territories Or Jurisdictions to Certified Organizations
Rule 3.9023 Transfer of Assets of Funds
Rule 3.9025 Excess Funds