(a) All allegations are investigated in accordance with Chapter 711 of Title 40 (concerning Investigations in TDMHMR Facilities and Related Programs).
(b) Immediately upon notification of an allegation by the APS investigator, the head of the facility takes measures to ensure the safety of the alleged victim(s), including the following actions:
(1) As necessary, the head of the facility ensures immediate and on-going medical attention is provided to the alleged victim and any other person served involved in the incident (e.g., examination for and treatment of injuries, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases). The examination and treatment of abuse/neglect-related injuries is documented on the client injury assessment, with a copy submitted to the APS investigator. All issues relating to clinical practice are referred to the medical/clinical director for consultation.
(2) The head of the facility ensures the protection of the alleged victim. Action taken to ensure the protection of the alleged victim must be appropriate within the context of the allegation and may include:
(A) reassigning the employee/agent to a non-direct care area in accordance with the Human Resources Operating Instruction 407-12;
(B) allowing the employee/agent to remain in his or her current position pending investigation;
(C) granting the employee emergency leave in accordance with the Human Resources Operating Instruction 407-12; or
(D) suspending the agent pending investigation.
(3) As necessary, the head of the facility ensures psychological attention is provided to the alleged victim and any other person served who may have witnessed or been affected by the incident. The psychological attention shall be provided in a timely manner while preserving the integrity of the investigation.
(4) If the alleged perpetrator is known but is not an employee/agent (e.g., family member, friend, guest), the head of the facility imposes a restriction on the alleged perpetrator's access to the alleged victim pending investigation. The restriction should be documented in the record of the alleged victim.
(5) Immediately, but in no case later than 24 hours after notification of an allegation, the head of the facility notifies the following individuals of the allegation:
(A) the alleged victim (if appropriate); and
(B) the alleged victim's guardian or primary contact (as defined), or parent if the alleged victim is a child.
(c) The head of the facility designates a contact staff person to coordinate with the APS investigator to ensure private interview space, private telephones, and employees/agents are available to the APS investigator. The head of the facility shall require employees/agents to cooperate with APS investigators so that the investigators are afforded immediate access to all records and evidence and provided keys as are necessary to conduct an investigation in a timely manner. The head of the facility shall assist in whatever way possible to make employees/agents who are relevant to the investigation available in an expeditious manner. Employees/agents who fail to cooperate with an investigation are subject to disciplinary action.
(d) Reports regarding alleged "sexual exploitation" committed by a "mental health services provider" (as defined in the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, §81.001) are made by the head of the facility to the prosecuting attorney in the county in which the alleged sexual exploitation occurred and any state licensing board that has responsibility for the mental health services provider's licensing in accordance with the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, §81.006. A copy of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, §81.001 and §81.006, is referenced as Exhibit A in §517.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits).
(e) At facilities that operate an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR), the head of the facility must report those allegations that are considered reportable incidents to the Texas Department of Human Services (TDHS), ICF/MR/RC Department in accordance with the memorandum of understanding, referenced as Exhibit C in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits), between TDMHMR, TDHS, and Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
Source Note: The provisions of this §417.508 adopted to be effective April 23, 2003, 28 TexReg 3354