(a) If the allegation involves the actions of a physician, dentist, pharmacist, registered nurse, or licensed vocational nurse, then a determination of whether the allegation involves the clinical practice, as defined in §417.503 of this title (relating to Definitions), of the physician, dentist, pharmacist, registered nurse, or licensed vocational nurse is made by the head of the facility, the APS investigator, and the facility medical\dental\nursing\pharmacy director, as appropriate to the discipline involved.
(1) If the allegation does not involve clinical practice the APS investigator pursues an investigation.
(2) If the allegation does involve clinical practice the APS investigator refers the allegation to the head of the facility, who immediately refers the allegation to the facility medical\dental\nursing\pharmacy director, as appropriate to the discipline involved, for review for possible peer review as follows:
(A) for allegations involving physicians, pharmacists, and dentists, Investigative Medical Peer Review Operating Instruction 417-19; and
(B) for allegations involving registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses, Investigative Nursing Peer Review Operating Instruction 408-1.
(3) If the allegation involves clinical practice and non-clinical issues, then the allegation is referred to peer review in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection and is investigated by the APS investigator.
(4) If a determination of whether the allegation involves clinical practice cannot be made, then:
(A) the allegation is referred to peer review in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection and is investigated by the APS investigator; or
(B) the regional APS program administrator and the head of the facility jointly agree to use a previously mutually agreed-upon physician/dental/nursing/pharmacy consultant, as appropriate to the discipline involved, to make the final determination within 24 hours. The facility is responsible for the costs of the consultant's services.
(b) If the allegation involves the facility medical\dental\nursing\pharmacy director, the head of the facility refers the allegation to the TDMHMR medical\dental\nursing\pharmacy director, as appropriate to the discipline involved, for review for possible peer review in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(A) or (B) of this section. If the allegation involves the TDMHMR pharmacy director, then the head of the facility refers the allegation to the TDMHMR medical director for review for possible peer review in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(A) of this section.
(c) All allegations involving physicians, pharmacists, nurses (RN or LVN), and dentists, regardless of type or clinical/non-clinical practice, are reported by the head of the facility to the TDMHMR medical\nursing\dental\pharmacy director, as appropriate to the discipline, within five working days of the allegation. The report may be brief, but will include;
(1) the date of the alleged incident;
(2) name of the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator;
(3) a brief description of the incident; and
(4) a brief description of the investigation planned.
(d) The TDMHMR medical\dental\nursing\pharmacy director, as appropriate to the discipline involved, ensures that reports of allegations of abuse and neglect are made, if required by law, to the licensing authority for the discipline under review, i.e., the Texas Board of Medical Examiners for physicians, the State Board of Dental Examiners for dentists, the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas for registered nurses, or the Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners for licensed vocational nurses.
(e) Upon receipt of an allegation involving physician misconduct or malpractice, the TDMHMR medical director reports the allegation to the Texas Board of Medical Examiners in accordance with §533.006 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and the memorandum of understanding, referenced as Exhibit D in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits), between TDMHMR, TDPRS, and the Texas Board of Medical Examiners.
(f) When an allegation is determined to involve the clinical practice of a physician, nurse (RN or LVN), pharmacist, or dentist, then the head of the facility ensures that the alleged victim, guardian, or primary contact, or parent (if the alleged victim is a child) are informed that the allegation has been referred for peer review.
Source Note: The provisions of this §417.509 adopted to be effective April 23, 2003, 28 TexReg 3354