(a) The APS investigator sends a copy of the investigative report to the head of the facility in accordance with Chapter 711, Subchapter G of Title 40 (concerning Release of Report and Findings). The investigative report includes:
(1) a statement of the allegation(s);
(2) a summary of the investigation;
(3) an analysis of the evidence, including:
(A) factual information related to what occurred;
(B) how the evidence was weighed; and
(C) what testimony was considered credible;
(4) a finding that the allegation is confirmed, unconfirmed, inconclusive, or unfounded;
(5) recommendations resulting from the investigation;
(6) the name of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator or the designation of "perpetrator unknown";
(7) a recommended classification for each allegation as described in §417.512(a) of this title (relating to Classifications and Disciplinary Actions);
(8) the exam and treatment of abuse/neglect-related injuries documented on the client injury assessment;
(9) photographs relevant to the investigation, including photographs showing the existence of injuries or the non-existence of injuries, when appropriate;
(10) all witness statements and supporting documents; and
(11) a signed and dated Client Abuse and Neglect Report (AN-1-A) form, referenced as Exhibit E in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits), reflecting the information contained in paragraphs (4), (6), and (7) of this section.
(b) Upon receiving the investigative report from the APS investigator, the head of the facility may submit the report and concerns articulated by the APS investigator to a review authority for review.
(1) The review authority may interview witnesses in the course of its review.
(2) If the review authority is reviewing a case determined by the APS investigator to be unfounded, it may consult with the APS investigator if appropriate. If the review authority determines that there is good cause to reopen the investigation (e.g., new evidence or information that was not previously available during the investigation), the head of the facility may contact the local APS supervisor to request that the case be re-opened.
(3) The review authority submits a report of its review to the head of the facility.
(c) The head of the facility:
(1) reviews the APS investigator's report;
(2) reviews the review authority's report, if applicable; and
(3) interviews witnesses, if necessary.
(d) The rights of employees who appear before the review authority or the head of the facility are outlined in "Procedures in Facility Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Investigations and Thurston Rebuttal Proceedings," referenced as Exhibit F in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits).
(e) The head of the facility may not change a confirmed finding. However, if the head of the facility disagrees with the APS investigator's finding of unconfirmed, inconclusive, or unfounded, the head of the facility may elect to change the finding to confirmed. If the head of the facility elects to change the finding to confirmed, then the confirmed finding cannot be appealed to TDPRS.
(f) If the head of the facility believes that the methodology used in conducting the investigation was flawed (e.g., failure to collect or consider evidence, such as witnesses' statement, progress notes, test results), the head of the facility may request a review in accordance with Chapter 711, Subchapter K of Title 40 (concerning Requesting a Review of Finding if You Are the Administrator or Contractor CEO).
(g) If the head the facility disagrees with:
(1) the APS investigator's finding, the head of the facility may contest the finding by requesting a review in accordance with Chapter 711, Subchapter K of Title 40 (concerning Requesting a Review of Finding if You Are the Administrator or Contractor CEO).
(2) the APS review as described in §711.1007 of Title 40 (relating to How is the Review of a Finding Conducted?), the head of the facility may contest the review by apprising the TDMHMR director of state mental health facilities or state mental retardation facilities, as appropriate. If the TDMHMR director also disagrees with the APS review, the TDMHMR director may request a decision by the TDMHMR commissioner and the TDPRS executive director. The decision of the TDMHMR commissioner and the TDPRS executive director may not be contested.
(h) The final finding is the last uncontested finding, which may be:
(1) the APS investigator's finding in accordance with subsection (a)(4) of this section;
(2) the head of the facility's confirmed finding in accordance with subsection (e) of this section;
(3) the APS finding in accordance with subsection (g)(1) of this section; or
(4) the TDMHMR commissioner and the TDPRS executive director's decision in accordance with subsection (g)(2) of this section.
(i) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the investigative report or the final finding, the head of the facility is responsible for completing the Client Abuse and Neglect Report (AN-1-A) form, referenced as Exhibit E in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits), and ensuring the information is entered into the Client Abuse and Neglect Reporting System (CANRS).
(j) The APS investigator notifies the reporter in accordance with §711.609 of Title 40 (relating to How and When is the Reporter Notified of the Finding?).
(k) The head of the facility ensures that the (alleged) victim or guardian or parent if the (alleged) victim is a child is promptly notified of:
(1) the final finding and if any previous findings were contested;
(2) the method of appealing the final finding as described in Chapter 711, Subchapter M of Title 40 (concerning Requesting an Appeal if You Are the Reporter, Alleged Victim, Legal Guardian, or With Advocacy, Incorporated), if the final finding was not made by the head of the facility as provided by subsection (e) of this section; and
(3) the right to receive a copy of the investigative report in accordance with §417.511(b) of this title (relating to Confidentiality of Investigative Process and Report) upon request.
(l) The head of the facility ensures that the primary contact is promptly notified of the final finding.
(m) The head of the facility informs the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator of the final finding.
(n) If the (alleged) perpetrator and (alleged) victim will again be in close proximity following an investigation, the head of the facility is responsible for ensuring appropriate reconciliation efforts are considered, offered, and provided in accordance with "Therapeutic Reconciliation," referenced as Exhibit G in §417.516 of this title (relating to Exhibits).
(o) The head of the facility shall establish a mechanism for evaluating any recommendations concerning problematic patterns or trends identified during the investigation by the APS investigator and the review authority, if applicable.
Source Note: The provisions of this §417.510 adopted to be effective April 23, 2003, 28 TexReg 3354