(a) When an applicant for a license issued under Chapter 1102 has met all other licensing requirements, the Commission shall notify the applicant that the applicant must provide proof of professional liability insurance, or any other insurance that provides coverage for violations of Subchapter G of Chapter 1102, before the license will be issued.
(b) An inspector must maintain financial responsibility during the period the license is active.
(c) The applicant must provide proof of insurance using a Certificate of Insurance form approved by the Commission and signed by the applicant's insurance agent, or any other proof of insurance acceptable to the Commission.
(d) An inspector must notify the Commission within 10 days of the cancellation or non-renewal of professional liability insurance coverage, or any other insurance that provides coverage for violations of Subchapter G of Chapter 1102.
(e) An inspector must retain sufficient records of professional liability insurance coverage, or any other insurance that provides coverage for violations of Subchapter G of Chapter 1102, to document to the Commission continuous coverage for the preceding two year license period.
(f) The requirement that an inspector carry financial responsibility does not require coverage for violations wherein providing such insurance coverage would be as against public policy.
Source Note: The provisions of this §535.211 adopted to be effective December 30, 2007, 32 TexReg 9995; amended to be effective January 2, 2012, 36 TexReg 9328; amended to be effective June 3, 2012, 37 TexReg 4053; amended to be effective November 21, 2013, 38 TexReg 8235; amended to be effective January 1, 2015, 39 TexReg 9669