(a) In addition to the requirements of §57.981(c)(5)(G) of this title (relating to Bag, Possession, and Length Limits), one red drum exceeding the maximum length limit may be retained by a person who is by statute or rule exempt from fishing license possession requirements, provided the person has obtained a digital exempt angler red drum tag. A fish retained under the provisions of this section may be retained in addition to the daily bag and possession limit provided under §57.981(c)(5)(G)(iii) of this title.
(b) A person who lawfully takes a red drum under the provisions of subsection (a) of this section is exempt from any requirement of Parks and Wildlife Code or this subchapter regarding the use of license tags for that species; however, that person shall immediately upon take ensure that a harvest report is created and submitted via a mobile or web application provided by the department for that purpose. If the absence of data connectivity prevents the receipt of a confirmation number from the department following the report required by this subparagraph, the person who took the red drum is responsible for ensuring that the report required by this subparagraph is uploaded to the department immediately upon the availability of network connectivity.
Source Note: The provisions of this §57.984 adopted to be effective August 15, 2023, 48 TexReg 4121