(a) The commercial purse seine season for menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) is open beginning on the third Monday in April and will continue until whichever of the following first occurs:
(1) the annual landings limit for the season has been reached; or
(2) the first day in November.
(b) The starting point (baseline) for calculating the annual landings limit for 2009 is 31,500,000 pounds. In 2010 and subsequent years, the baseline shall be adjusted upwards in the amount by which the actual catch in the previous season fell short of 31,500,000 pounds; however, the upward adjustment allowed under this subsection shall not exceed 3,150,000 pounds. In the event the actual catch in a season exceeds 31,500,000 pounds, a downward adjustment shall be made in the following season in the amount by which the baseline was exceeded in the previous season.
(c) Annual landings may exceed the amount established or calculated in subsection (b) of this section by up to 10%.
(d) Landings will be tracked using the Captain Daily Fishing Reports or another tracking mechanism specified by TPWD.
Source Note: The provisions of this §57.995 adopted to be effective June 27, 2010, 35 TexReg 5564