(a) The Board may allow any sponsor of MET to become Board accredited if the sponsor, in the opinion of the Board, demonstrates that it will comply with its obligations to the Board and that its programs will conform to the Board's standards as outlined in:
(1) §607.120 of this chapter (relating to Program Standards for All Sponsors); and
(2) §607.122 of this chapter (relating to MET Credit Hour Computation for Sponsors).
(b) The Board will also require that each organization or individual applying to become a Board-accredited MET sponsor agree that in the conduct of its business it will:
(1) Not commit fraud, deceit or engage in fiscal dishonesty of any kind;
(2) Not misrepresent facts or make false or misleading statements;
(3) Not make false statements to the Board or to the Board's agents; and
(4) Comply with the laws of the United States and the State of Texas.
(c) Each organization or individual applying to become a Board accredited MET sponsor must submit an application on a form provided by the Board. The Board will consider for approval only applications that are complete. As part of the application process, the Board may require the sponsor to submit information regarding its organization, purpose, history of providing educational training activities, course outlines, or such additional information that the Board may deem relevant.
(d) The Board shall review each application and notify the sponsor of its acceptance or rejection. Approval of accredited sponsor status will be based upon information received with the application, and such other information the Board shall deem relevant including, but not limited to, course offering and attendance history, approvals and denials of accreditation by other governmental entities, and complaints concerning past programs or the marketing thereof. An acceptance in any given year shall not bind the Board to accept a sponsor in any future year.
(e) Upon accreditation a sponsor will be assigned a sponsor number and can represent that it is a Board accredited MET sponsor. An accredited sponsor shall include in promotional materials the following language: "We are accredited by the State Pension Review Board as a Minimum Educational Training (MET) sponsor for Texas public retirement systems. This accreditation does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our MET program."
(f) An accredited sponsor is not required to comply with provisions contained in §607.128 of this chapter (relating to Accreditation of MET Activities from Non-Accredited Sponsors).
(g) The Board may accredit a sponsor to offer MET activities in the core content areas under §607.110(a) of this chapter (relating to Minimum Educational Training Requirements), the non-core content areas under §607.110(b)(1) of this chapter, or both.
(h) An accredited sponsor shall be reviewed for renewal of accredited sponsor status after an initial two-year period of accreditation, and again after each subsequent four-year period of accreditation, or at such other times as the Board deems reasonable. To be considered for renewal, an accredited sponsor must submit a renewal application on a form provided by the Board. Review for renewal shall be based on the criteria stated in subsection (d) of this section.
(i) Complaints concerning accredited sponsors and MET activities may be directed to the Board. If the Board determines that a response is necessary from the sponsor, the sponsor shall be notified in writing and provided a copy of the complaint. The Board shall respond to all complaints within a reasonable time.
(j) The Board, in its sole and exclusive discretion, may determine that an accredited sponsor is not in compliance with the registration requirements, MET standards, or applicable Board rules. The Board will provide the accredited sponsor reasonable notice of such a determination and shall provide the accredited sponsor a reasonable opportunity to become compliant. If the Board determines the sponsor is not in compliance, the Board may require the sponsor to take corrective action and/or may terminate the sponsor's accreditation. A sponsor that has had its accreditation terminated or that has voluntarily surrendered its accreditation may apply for reinstatement no sooner than six months after the effective date of the termination or surrender.
(k) A sponsor that requests reinstatement may do so by submitting a completed application as required in subsection (c) of this section. The applicant will be subject to all the requirements of this section.
(l) Board decisions under this chapter are final and are not appealable. No portion of this chapter shall be interpreted or construed to create a right to a hearing, or to acknowledge or create any private right or interest.
Source Note: The provisions of this §607.124 adopted to be effective September 18, 2014, 39 TexReg 7343