(a) In order to support the reports required of PRSs, a sponsor accredited under §607.124 of this chapter (relating to Sponsor Accreditation) shall retain the following records for five years following the date the program is completed:
(1) an agenda or outline that describes the course content;
(2) the name and title of each instructor for each topic;
(3) time devoted to each topic;
(4) each date and location of the presentation; and
(5) record of participation that reflects:
(A) the credit hours earned by each trustee and system administrator participant; and
(B) the number of non-trustee and non-administrator attendees.
(b) The accredited sponsor, upon request of the Board, shall immediately submit any of the records retained in subsection (a) of this section for review.
(c) An accredited sponsor shall at any reasonable time allow a member of the Board or Board staff, as part of a review of the sponsor, to inspect the sponsor's teaching facilities, examine the sponsor's records, attend its courses or seminars at no charge, and review its program to determine compliance with the sponsor accreditation requirements, MET standards, and all applicable Board rules.
(d) An accredited sponsor shall not use advertising that is false or misleading, or use any communication that, in the sponsor's effort to promote its services, is coercive.
(e) An accredited sponsor, promptly upon the conclusion of the activity, but not later than 30 calendar days after the conclusion activity, shall provide to each trustee or system administrator participant a certificate of completion, reflecting the following information:
(1) Name of participant;
(2) Activity title;
(3) Date and location of the activity;
(4) Total accredited MET hours; and
(5) Sponsor name and contact information.
(f) An accredited sponsor shall include in each MET activity a process for participants and instructors to evaluate the quality of the activity, including whether:
(1) Course Objectives were met;
(2) Facilities and technology were satisfactory;
(3) Each instructor was effective; and
(4) Program content was timely and effective.
(g) Sponsors shall inform Instructors of the results of their performance evaluation in subsection (f) of this section, and should systematically review the evaluation process to ensure its effectiveness.
Source Note: The provisions of this §607.126 adopted to be effective September 18, 2014, 39 TexReg 7343