(a) The ring shall be set up at least two hours before the contest is scheduled to begin.
(b) Except as specifically otherwise authorized by the executive director, rings shall meet the following:
(1) Rings shall be square with sides not less than 16 feet or more than 24 feet inside the ropes, and the floor shall extend at least 24 inches beyond the ropes on all sides, and shall be of at least 3/4-inch material, adequately supported, and padded with ensolite or similar closed-cell foam that is at least 1-inch thick;
(2) The padding shall extend over the edge of the ring platform and have a top covering of canvas, duck, or similar material approved by the department;
(3) The covering shall be clean and be tightly stretched and laced to the ring platform and may not have tears, holes or overlapping seams;
(4) The ring platform shall have at least three sets of steps into the ring during a contest: one set for each contestant's corner and one set in the neutral corner to be used for the ringside physician and the department;
(5) The ring corners shall be protected inside the ring with a urethane pad at least six inches wide, and shall be covered with material similar to the ring floor covering, and the covering must be long enough to cover all the rope joints;
(6) Ring posts shall be made of a strong material, preferably steel, and shall be at least three inches in diameter, and shall be secured under the ring to prevent spreading;
(7) There shall be four ring ropes at least one inch in diameter evenly spaced, one foot apart with the lower rope being 18 inches above the ring floor;
(8) The ropes shall be attached to the ring posts with turnbuckles and shall be stretched taut during all contests, and the bottom rope shall be padded with at least 2 inches of soft material;
(9) Be equipped with a bell that makes a sound loud enough to be heard by the contestants, referee, and other officials; and,
(10) Include in each contestant's corner an appropriate receptacle for spitting, a clean water bucket for the contestant's use, and at least three chairs or stools labeled "seconds" to be used by the contestant's official seconds.
(c) New gloves must be used for all professional main events. If gloves used in preliminary contests have been used before, they shall be whole, clean, in sanitary condition, and subject to inspection by the referee and department representatives. Any gloves found unfit shall not be used and must be replaced with acceptable gloves. There shall be extra sets of gloves on hand to be used in case gloves are broken or in any way damaged during a contest.
(d) Contestants in all weight categories up to, and including 147 lbs, shall use eight-ounce gloves. In heavier classes, they may wear ten-ounce gloves. Female contestants may wear 10-ounce gloves.
(e) Promoters of professional events shall keep gloves used in an event in their possession for a minimum of seven days after the event and shall make them available for inspection by the department upon request.
(f) Hand wraps shall be restricted to no more than twenty yards of soft gauze, not more than two inches wide. The gauze shall be held in place by no more than eight feet of adhesive tape, no more than one and one-half inches wide. The adhesive tape shall not cover any part of the knuckles when the hand is clenched to make a fist. The use of water, or any other liquid or material, on the tape is strictly prohibited. Hand wraps shall be applied in the dressing room in the presence of a department representative.
Source Note: The provisions of this §61.106 adopted to be effective February 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 481; amended to be effective October 15, 2010, 35 TexReg 9081