(a) All rules stated herein apply to the combative sport of boxing, with the exception of §§61.108 - 61.112, unless this section conflicts with another rule stated herein. If a conflict occurs, this section prevails.
(b) In scoring a contest the elements of offense, defense, clean hitting, ring generalship, and sportsmanship shall be carefully considered by the judges. Scoring shall be by the ten-point must system. The winner of any round is marked ten and the loser is marked nine or less. When a round is even, each contestant shall receive ten points. A clean knock-down shall be scored heavily. Judges shall deduct points for fouls when directed to do so by the referee. Judges shall clearly write their decision and sign them individually. A draw shall be called if each official votes differently or any two vote a draw.
(c) A contestant shall be deemed down when:
(1) any part of his body other than his feet is on the ring floor; or
(2) he is hanging over the ropes in a defenseless manner.
(d) The following tactics are fouls and are forbidden. Using these tactics may result in a warning, loss of points as determined by the referee, disqualification, forfeiture, and an administrative penalty and/or sanction.
(1) Hitting below the belt.
(2) Holding an opponent with one hand and hitting him with the other.
(3) Hitting an opponent who is down or is getting up after being down.
(4) Holding an opponent or deliberately maintaining a clinch.
(5) Butting with the head or shoulder or using the knee.
(6) Hitting with the inside or butt of the hand, the wrist or the elbow.
(7) Hitting or "flicking" with open gloves.
(8) Wrestling, kicking or roughing at the ropes.
(9) Purposely going down without being hit.
(10) Striking deliberately at the area of the body around the kidneys.
(11) Jabbing an opponent's eyes with the thumb of a glove.
(12) Using abusive or profane language.
(13) Hitting at the back of the head or neck (rabbit punches).
(14) Failing to obey the referee.
(15) Engaging in any physical action or contact other than sportsmanlike boxing, which may injure another contestant.
(16) Spitting out a mouthpiece.
(17) Hitting an opponent after the bell has sounded ending a round.
(e) Contests between males shall have no more than three-minute rounds with one-minute rest periods between rounds. Contests between females shall have no more than two-minute rounds with one-minute rest periods between rounds.
Source Note: The provisions of this §61.107 adopted to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 9941; amended to be effective December 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 10445; amended to be effective February 1, 2005, 30 TexReg 378; amended to be effective February 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 481