(a) All rules stated herein apply to the combative sport of kickboxing, with the exception of §§61.107 and 61.110 - 61.112 unless this section conflicts with another rule stated herein. If a conflict occurs, this section prevails.
(b) Kickboxing matches shall not exceed nine two-minute rounds with a one-minute rest period between rounds. The Department may, however, permit an additional two rounds for championship events.
(c) Kickboxers shall not wear shoes of any type, except for protective padded footgear.
(d) Male contestants must wear a foul-proof groin protector. A plastic cup with an athletic supporter is adequate, but an abdominal guard is preferable. Female contestants must wear foul-proof breast protectors. Plastic breast covers are adequate. Female contestants must also wear a pelvic guard to protect their hips. Foot and shin pads are required.
(e) Each Kickboxing contestant must execute a minimum of six kicks during each round. If either fighter does not do so, he will automatically lose the round. If both contestants fail to execute the minimum number of kicks by the end of a round, the round is declared a draw. In any match of nine or more rounds, if either fighter fails to execute the minimum number of kicks in any three rounds, he automatically loses the fight. In a non-title fight, if either fighter fails to execute the minimum number of kicks in any two rounds, he loses the fight.
(f) A contestant intentionally avoiding any physical contact with his or her opponent will receive a warning. If a contestant continues avoiding contact, he or she will be declared the loser of that round. If a contestant avoids contact after losing a round for that reason, he or she may be subject to the same penalties and procedures as a contestant guilty of foul tactics.
(g) In any case where the referee decides that the contestants are not honestly competing, that the knockout is a "dive", or the foul is a prearranged termination of the bout, he or she will not finish the knockout count, disqualify the contestant for fouling, or render a decision, but shall stop the bout and declare it ended not later than before the end of the last round. If the event is professional, he shall also order purses of both fighters held pending investigation and disposition of the funds by the Department.
(h) No contestant shall leave the ring during the one-minute rest period between rounds. If any contestant fails or refuses to resume fighting when the bell sounds for starting the next round, the referee will award a knockout victory to his or her opponent as of the round that has just been finished. If the event is professional and the circumstances indicate to the referee the need for an investigation or disciplinary action, the referee will not make a decision and will order the purse or purses of either or both contestants withheld.
(i) Before a fallen contestant resumes fighting after having been knocked to, slipped to, or fallen to the floor, the referee shall wipe the contestant's gloves free of any foreign substance.
(j) The following tactics are fouls and are forbidden. Using these tactics may result in a warning, loss of points as determined by the referee, disqualification, forfeiture, and an administrative penalty and/or sanction.
(1) Head butts, elbow strikes or clubbing, kicks, punches or any other strikes at the groin.
(2) Attacking with the knees.
(3) Open-hand attacks to the eyes or throat.
(4) Striking at that part of the body over the kidneys or spine.
(5) Spitting, slapping or biting.
(6) Palm heel strikes (using the heel of the palm of the hand to deliver a blow to the face).
(7) Arm bars (grabbing one arm with the other and pressing the grabbed arm against the opponent's throat).
(8) Grabbing or holding onto an opponent's leg or foot and grabbing or holding onto any other part of the body except for the purpose of attempting to throw the opponent to the floor.
(9) Leg checking (extending the leg to check an opponent's leg or prevent him or her from kicking).
(10) Purposely going down without being hit.
(11) Any un-sportsmanlike trick or action causing any injury to an opponent.
(12) Attacking on the break.
(13) Attacking after the bell or gong has sounded ending the round or when the opponent is out of the ring.
(14) Intentionally pushing, shoving or wrestling an opponent out of the ring with any part of the body.
Source Note: The provisions of this §61.108 adopted to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 9941; amended to be effective February 1, 2005, 30 TexReg 378; amended to be effective February 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 481