(a) The owner must:
(1) obtain an annual certificate of compliance from the department evidencing that each unit of equipment in the building is in compliance with the applicable standards and codes adopted in §74.100;
(2) have a current certificate of compliance in order to operate regulated equipment; and
(3) display the current certificate of compliance in the applicable publicly visible areas of the building as described under subsections (b) and (c).
(b) A current certificate of compliance for an elevator, platform lift, automated people mover, or related equipment must be displayed in one of the following areas:
(1) inside the elevator car enclosure or platform lift, automated people mover, or related equipment passenger enclosure, not more than 7'0" or less than 3'0" above the finished car floor;
(2) outside the elevator car enclosure or platform lift or related equipment passenger enclosure, in the main lobby within 10 feet of the call button not more than 7'0" or less than 3'0" above the finished landing floor; or
(3) in a common area lobby or hallway location within the building in which the equipment is located that is:
(A) accessible to the public without assistance or permission during all hours in which any equipment is in operation; and
(B) identified by a plaque mounted in the elevator car enclosure or passenger enclosure or within 10 feet of the call button in the main elevator lobby directing the public to the location where the certificate(s) of compliance is displayed. The font size for letters on the plaque shall be at least 18 points and the plaque must state that the equipment is "Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation" and include the department's telephone number 1-800-803-9202 and the building management's telephone number.
(c) A current certificate of compliance for an escalator or moving sidewalk must be displayed in one of the following areas:
(1) in a common area lobby or hallway location not more than 7'0" or less than 3'0" above the finished landing floor and within the building in which the equipment is located accessible to the public without assistance or permission during all hours in which any escalator or moving sidewalk is in operation; or
(2) in a common area lobby or hallway location within the building in which the equipment is located that is:
(A) accessible to the public without assistance or permission during all hours in which any escalator or moving sidewalk is in operation; and
(B) identified by a plaque mounted within 10 feet of entry or exit of the escalator or moving sidewalk directing the public to the location where the certificate(s) of compliance is displayed. The font size for letters on the plaque shall be at least 18 points and the plaque must state that the equipment is "Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation" and include the department's telephone number 1-800-803-9202 and the building management's telephone number.
Source Note: The provisions of this §74.67 adopted to be effective November 15, 2013, 38 TexReg 7949