Texas Administrative Code
Title 16 Economic Regulation
Part 4 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Chapter 74 Elevators, Escalators, and Related Equipment
Rule 74.1 Authority
Rule 74.10 Definitions
Rule 74.20 Inspector Registration Requirements--initial
Rule 74.21 Inspector Registration Requirements--renewal
Rule 74.22 Contractor Registration Requirements--initial
Rule 74.23 Contractor Registration Requirements--renewal
Rule 74.24 Responsible Party Eligibility Requirements
Rule 74.25 Continuing Education
Rule 74.30 Exemptions
Rule 74.40 Contractor Insurance Requirements
Rule 74.50 Reporting Requirements--owner
Rule 74.55 Reporting Requirements--inspector
Rule 74.57 Reporting Requirements--contractor
Rule 74.60 Responsibilities of the Department
Rule 74.65 Advisory Board
Rule 74.66 Responsibilities of the Owner--equipment Maintenance and Inspections
Rule 74.67 Responsibilities of the Owner--certificates of Compliance
Rule 74.68 Responsibilities of the Owner--other Documents
Rule 74.69 Responsibilities of the Owner--accidents and Reportable Conditions
Rule 74.72 Standards of Conduct for Inspector Or Contractor Registrants
Rule 74.74 Responsibilities of the Inspector--inspection Procedures
Rule 74.75 Responsibilities of the Inspector--department Forms
Rule 74.76 Responsibilities of the Inspector--inspectors Equipment Test Tags
Rule 74.77 Responsibilities of the Inspector--inspectors Equipment Decals
Rule 74.78 Responsibilities of the Contractor--compliance with Plan Review
Rule 74.79 Responsibilities of the Contractor--documents
Rule 74.80 Fees
Rule 74.90 Administrative Penalties and Sanctions
Rule 74.100 Technical Requirements--asme and Asce Codes
Rule 74.105 Standards for Equipment Removed from Service
Rule 74.110 Plan Review--required
Rule 74.111 Plan Review--new Equipment
Rule 74.112 Plan Review--alteration of Existing Equipment
Rule 74.113 Plan Review--department Approval Or Denial
Rule 74.114 Plan Review--amendments
Rule 74.115 Plan Review--expedited Review
Rule 74.120 New Technology Variances--application for Variance
Rule 74.121 New Technology Variances--department Approval Or Denial
Rule 74.122 New Technology Variances--appeal of Variance Denial