(a) You may only issue a provisional verification if the foster home will continue to care for foster children that the previous agency placed in the home.
(b) You may only issue a provisional verification after:
(1) You request and receive the background information from the foster home's former child-placing agency, which the agency is required to send according to §749.2475 of this subchapter (relating to To whom must I release information regarding a family on which I previously conducted a foster home screening, pre-adoptive home screening, or post placement adoptive report?);
(2) Based on the background information you receive from the former child-placing agency, and any current screening and evaluation that your agency has conducted up to this point, you determine that the home does not present a potential risk to the health or safety of children;
(3) If the foster home is moving to a new residence, you:
(A) Inspect the new location; and
(B) Determine that the home meets the minimum standards, including the standards in Subchapter O of this chapter (relating to Foster Homes: Health and Safety Requirements, Environment, Space and Equipment); and
(4) The child placement management staff reviews and approves the provisional verification by signing and dating it.
(c) A foster home with a provisional verification must meet the same rules as a foster home with a non-expiring verification, except for any screening requirements that have not been completed.
(d) A provisional verification must include any condition (number of children, age, gender, services provided) or any other restriction that was in the previous child-placing agency's verification.
Source Note: The provisions of this §749.2535 adopted to be effective June 27, 2021, 46 TexReg 3525