(a) If the training complies with the other rules in this division (relating to Annual Training), annual training may include hours or Continuing Education Units earned through:
(1) Workshops or courses offered by local school districts, colleges or universities, or Licensing;
(2) Conferences or seminars;
(3) Instructor-led training, as defined at §749.801(3) of this subchapter (relating to What do certain words and terms mean in this subchapter?);
(4) Self-instructional training, as defined at §749.801(5) of this subchapter;
(5) Planned learning opportunities provided by child-care associations or Licensing;
(6) Planned learning opportunities provided by a child-placing agency administrator, professional contract service provider, professional service provider, treatment director, child placement management staff, child placement staff, contractor, or caregiver who meets minimum qualifications in the rules of this chapter; or
(7) Completed college courses for which a passing grade is earned, with three college credit hours being equivalent to 50 clock hours of required training. College courses do not substitute for required CPR or first aid certification or required annual training on emergency behavior intervention or psychotropic medication.
(b) For annual training hours, you may count:
(1) The hours of annual training that a person received at another residential child-care operation, if the person:
(A) Received the training within the time period you are using to calculate the person's annual training; and
(B) Provides documentation of the training;
(2) Pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR;
(3) Any hours of pre-service training that the person earned in addition to the required pre-service hours, although you may not carry over more than 15 hours of a person's pre-service training hours for use as annual training hours during the upcoming year;
(4) Half of the hours spent developing initial training curriculum that is relevant to the population of children served, but no additional credit hours for training curriculum development are permitted for repeated training sessions; and
(5) One-fourth of the hours spent updating and making revisions to training curriculum that is relevant to the population of children served.
(c) For annual training hours, you may not count:
(1) Orientation training;
(2) Required pre-service training;
(3) The hours involved in case staffings and conferences with the supervisor; or
(4) The hours presenting training to others.
(d) No more than 80 percent of the required annual training hours may come from self-instructional training as defined at §749.801(5) of this subchapter. No more than three of those self-instructional hours may come from self-study training as defined at §749.801(6) of this subchapter.
(e) If a person earns more than the minimum number of annual training hours required during a particular year, the person can carry over to the next year a maximum of 15 annual training hours.
Source Note: The provisions of this §749.935 adopted to be effective January 1, 2007, 31 TexReg 7469; amended to be effective September 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 7522; amended to be effective January 1, 2017, 41 TexReg 9944; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909; amended to be effective June 27, 2021, 46 TexReg 3525; amended to be effective April 25, 2022, 47 TexReg 2272