(a) In accordance with the Family Code, §153.601(3), "parenting coordinator" means an impartial third party:
(1) who, regardless of the title by which the person is designated by the court, performs any function described in the Family Code, §153.606, in a suit; and
(2) who:
(A) is appointed under Family Code, Chapter 153, Subchapter K (relating to Parenting Plan, Parenting Coordinator, and Parenting Facilitator) by the court on its own motion, or on a motion or agreement of the parties, to assist parties in resolving parenting issues through confidential procedures; and
(B) is not appointed under another statute or a rule of civil procedure.
(b) A licensee who serves as a parenting coordinator is not acting under the authority of a license issued by the Council, and is not engaged in the practice of social work. The services provided by the licensee who serves as a parenting coordinator are not within the jurisdiction of the Council, but rather the jurisdiction of the appointing court.
(c) A licensee who serves as a parenting coordinator has a duty to provide the information in subsection (b) of this section to the parties to the suit.
(d) Records of a licensee serving as a parenting coordinator are confidential under the Civil Practices and Remedies Code, §154.073. Licensees serving as a confidential parenting coordinator shall comply with the Civil Practices and Remedies Code, Chapter 154, relating to the release of information.
(e) A licensee shall not provide social work services to any person while simultaneously providing parenting coordination services. This section shall not apply if the court enters a finding that mental health services are not readily available in the location where the parties reside.
Source Note: The provisions of this §781.320 adopted to be effective November 19, 2020, 45 TexReg 8157