Texas Administrative Code
Title 22 Examining Boards
Part 34 Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners
Chapter 781 Social Worker Licensure
Subchapter B Rules of Practice
Rule 781.301 Code of Conduct
Rule 781.302 the Practice of Social Work
Rule 781.303 General Standards of Practice
Rule 781.304 Relationships with Clients
Rule 781.305 Sexual Misconduct
Rule 781.306 Professional Representation
Rule 781.307 Testing
Rule 781.308 Drug and Alcohol Use
Rule 781.309 Client Records and Record Keeping
Rule 781.310 Billing and Financial Relationships
Rule 781.311 Client Confidentiality
Rule 781.312 Licensees and the Council
Rule 781.313 Corporations and Business Names
Rule 781.316 Advertising and Announcements
Rule 781.317 Research and Publications
Rule 781.318 Providing Social Studies
Rule 781.319 Licensed Sex Offender Treatment
Rule 781.320 Parent Coordination
Rule 781.321 Parenting Facilitation
Rule 781.322 Child Custody Evaluations
Rule 781.323 Technology in Social Work Practice