(a) Application Fees
(1) Dog or Cat Breeder License, 5-10 Adult Intact Female Animals
(A) Original Application--$150
(B) Renewal--$150
(2) Dog or Cat Breeder License, 11-25 Adult Intact Female Animals
(A) Original Application--$300
(B) Renewal--$300
(3) Dog or Cat Breeder License, 26 or more Adult Intact Female Animals
(A) Original Application--$500
(B) Renewal--$500
(b) Out-of-Cycle Inspections--$150
(c) Revised/Duplicate License--$25
(d) Late renewal fees for licenses under this chapter are provided under §60.83.
(e) The fee for a dishonored/returned check or payment is the fee prescribed under §60.82.
(f) The fee for a criminal history evaluation letter is the fee prescribed under §60.42.
(g) All fees paid to the department are nonrefundable.
Source Note: The provisions of this §91.80 adopted to be effective May 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 3075; amended to be effective January 1, 2024, 48 TexReg 8357