(a) If a campus is assigned an unacceptable rating under Texas Education Code (TEC), §39.054(e), for two consecutive years, the campus must develop a campus turnaround plan to be approved by the commissioner of education in accordance with TEC, §§39A.103-39A.107.
(b) A charter campus subject to this section must revise its charter in accordance with §100.1033 of this title (relating to Charter Amendment). The governing board of the charter performs the function of the board of trustees for this section.
(c) The district may request assistance from a regional education service center or partner with an institution of higher education in developing and implementing a campus turnaround plan.
(d) Within 60 days of receiving a campus's preliminary accountability rating the district must notify parents, community members, and stakeholders that the campus received an unacceptable rating for two consecutive years and request assistance in developing the campus turnaround plan. All input provided by family, community members, and stakeholders must be considered in the development of the final campus turnaround plan submitted to the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
(e) The district shall notify stakeholders of their ability to review the completed plan and post the completed plan on the district website at least 30 days before the final plan is submitted to the board of trustees as described in TEC, §39A.104. The district shall provide the following groups an opportunity to review and comment on the completed plan before it is submitted for approval to the board of trustees:
(1) the campus-level committee established under TEC, §11.251. If the campus is not required to have a campus-level committee under TEC, §11.251, the district shall provide an opportunity for professional staff at the campus to review and comment on the campus turnaround plan;
(2) teachers at the campus;
(3) parents; and
(4) community members.
(f) A campus turnaround plan must include:
(1) a detailed description of the method for restructuring, reforming, or reconstituting the campus;
(2) a detailed description of the academic programs to be offered at the campus, including instructional methods, length of school day and school year, academic credit and promotion criteria, and programs to serve special student populations;
(3) a detailed description of the budget, staffing, and financial resources required to implement the plan, including any supplemental resources to be provided by the district or other identified sources;
(4) written comments received from stakeholders described in subsection (e) of this section;
(5) the term of the charter, if a district charter is to be granted for the campus under TEC, §12.0522; and
(6) a detailed description for developing and supporting the oversight of academic achievement and student performance at the campus, approved by the board of trustees under TEC, §11.1515.
(g) Upon approval of the board of trustees, the district must submit the campus turnaround plan electronically to the TEA by March 1 unless otherwise specified.
(h) Not later than June 15 of each year, the commissioner must either approve or reject any campus turnaround plan prepared and submitted by a district.
(1) The commissioner's approval or rejection of the campus turnaround plan must be in writing.
(2) If the commissioner rejects a campus turnaround plan, the commissioner must also send the district an outline of the specific concerns regarding the turnaround plan that resulted in the rejection.
(3) In accordance with TEC, §39A.107(a), the commissioner may approve a campus turnaround plan if the commissioner determines that the campus will satisfy all student performance standards required under TEC, §39.054(e), not later than the second year the campus receives a performance rating following the implementation of the campus turnaround plan. In order to make that determination, the commissioner will consider the following:
(A) an analysis of the campus and district's longitudinal performance data, which may be used to measure the expected outcomes for the campus;
(B) the district's success rate in turning around low-performing campuses, if applicable; and
(C) evaluation of the efficacy of the plan, with consideration given to whether the turnaround plan is sufficient to address the specific and expected needs of the campus.
(i) A district must submit a modified campus turnaround plan if the commissioner rejected the district's initial submission.
(1) The modified plan must be created with assistance from TEA staff, as requested by the district.
(2) The modified plan must be made available for stakeholder comment prior to board approval and be approved by the board prior to submission to the TEA.
(3) The district must submit the plan no later than the 60th day from the date the commissioner rejected the initial campus turnaround plan.
(4) The commissioner's decision regarding the modified plan must be given in writing no later than the 15th day after the commissioner receives the plan.
(j) A campus may implement, modify, or withdraw its campus turnaround plan with board approval if the campus receives an academically acceptable rating for the school year following the development of the campus turnaround plan.
(k) A campus that has received an unacceptable rating for the school year following the development of the campus turnaround plan must implement its commissioner-approved campus turnaround plan with fidelity until the campus operates for two consecutive school years without an unacceptable rating.
(l) A campus may modify its campus turnaround plan with commissioner approval if it is determined that due to a change in circumstances occurring after the plan's approval under TEC, §39A.107, a modification of the plan is necessary to achieve the plan's objectives.
(1) A change in circumstance may be the following, but not limited to:
(A) a campus that has written a turnaround plan but has not yet been ordered to implement it and has received a Not Rated; Declared State of Disaster rating for two consecutive years prior to receiving its next F rating; or
(B) a campus that has implemented its turnaround plan for no more than one year prior to receiving a Not Rated; Declared State of Disaster rating for two consecutive years.
(2) A campus that has modified its turnaround plan under this subsection may only request additional modifications to the plan based on circumstances that have changed since the last commissioner-approved modification.
(3) Any modification of a turnaround plan must be effective no sooner than the beginning of the next school year.
(m) The commissioner may appoint a monitor, conservator, management team, or board of managers for a school district that has a campus that has been ordered to implement an updated targeted improvement plan. The commissioner may order any of the interventions as necessary to ensure district-level support for the low-performing campus and the implementation of the updated targeted improvement plan. The commissioner may make the appointment at any time during which the campus is required to implement the updated targeted improvement plan.
Source Note: The provisions of this §97.1064 adopted to be effective November 17, 2016, 41 TexReg 9012; amended to be effective March 31, 2020, 45 TexReg 2164; amended to be effective June 7, 2022, 47 TexReg 3252