(a) Action required. The commissioner of education shall order:
(1) alternative management or closure of a campus or appoint a board of managers to govern the district if the campus turnaround plan is not approved as outlined in §97.1064 of this title (relating to Campus Turnaround Plan); and
(2) closure of a campus or appoint a board of managers to govern the district if the campus is assigned an unacceptable performance rating under the state academic accountability system for three consecutive school years after the campus is ordered to submit a campus turnaround plan as outlined in §97.1064 of this title.
(b) Review. An action ordered under subsection (a) of this section is subject to the applicable review procedures provided in Chapter 157 of this title (relating to Hearings and Appeals).
(c) Other actions permitted. In combination with action under this section, the commissioner may impose on the district or campus any other sanction under Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 39 or 39A, or this subchapter, singly or in combination, to the extent the commissioner determines is reasonably required to achieve the purposes specified in §97.1053 of this title (relating to Purpose). In particular, the commissioner may assign a monitor, conservator, management team, or board of managers in order to ensure and oversee district-level support to low-performing campuses and the implementation of the updated targeted improvement plan and the campus turnaround plan.
(d) Petition allowed. In accordance with TEC, §39A.112, for a campus subject to an order of closure or appointment of a board of managers to govern the district under subsection (a) of this section, if a written petition, signed by the parents of a majority of the students enrolled at the campus and specifying the action requested under subsection (a) of this section, is presented to the commissioner in accordance with this section and related procedures adopted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the commissioner shall, except as otherwise authorized by this section, order the specific action requested. If the board of trustees of the school district in which the campus is located presents to the commissioner, in accordance with this section and related procedures adopted by the TEA, a written request that the commissioner order a specific action under subsection (a) of this section other than the action requested by the parents in a valid petition, along with a written explanation of the basis for the board's request, the commissioner may order the action requested by the board of trustees.
(1) A written petition under this subsection must be:
(A) finalized and submitted to the district superintendent no later than October 15 for purposes of validation;
(B) certified by the superintendent as a valid petition in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection; and
(C) if determined to be a valid petition, submitted by the district superintendent to the commissioner no later than December 1.
(2) Only a written petition determined to be valid in accordance with this section and TEA procedures may be submitted to the commissioner. At a minimum, the following criteria must be met for a petition to be determined valid.
(A) The petition must include all information required by the TEA as reflected in TEA model forms and related procedures and must be submitted to the district superintendent in accordance with the deadline established in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection.
(B) The petition must clearly state the sanction action under subsection (a)(2) of this section being requested by the parents.
(C) In accordance with this subparagraph, the parent(s) of more than 50% of the students enrolled at the campus must provide the handwritten or typed name and an original signature on the petition.
(i) For the purposes of the petition, a parent means the parent who is indicated on the student registration form at the campus.
(ii) A student will be considered enrolled at the campus for the purposes of the petition if the student is enrolled and in membership at the campus on a TEA-determined enrollment snapshot date, as reflected in TEA procedures.
(iii) For the purposes of determining whether parents of more than 50% of the students enrolled at the campus have signed the petition, only one parent signature per enrolled student can be counted by the district in its calculation assuring validity of the petition.
(iv) A signature is valid if the person signed the petition on or after the date on which a preliminary rating indicating four or more consecutive years of unacceptable performance at the campus was issued.
(3) If the board of trustees of the school district requests that the TEA consider a specific action under subsection (a) of this section other than the action requested by the parents in a valid petition and submitted to the TEA in accordance with this subsection, the board must submit a written request to the commissioner and include a written explanation of the basis for the board's request for an action other than the one reflected in a valid parent petition. Any written request must be:
(A) approved by a majority of the board members in an action taken in a public meeting conducted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act; and
(B) submitted to the commissioner no later than December 15 in accordance with procedures established by the TEA.
(4) If a valid parent petition under paragraph (1) of this subsection or board of trustees submission under paragraph (3) of this subsection requests that the commissioner order campus closure, the district must submit, no later than January 30, a comprehensive plan for campus closure that meets the requirements of the TEC, §39A.113, and §97.1066 of this title (relating to Campus Closure).
(5) Following the submission to the TEA of a valid petition and any subsequent board request under this section, the commissioner will order, no later than February 15, a sanction in compliance with the TEC, §39A.111, and this section. The sanction shall be implemented for the current year or, if necessary, for the subsequent school year regardless of the state academic accountability rating assigned to the campus in that school year.
(6) Notwithstanding this subsection, in the case of a charter school granted under the TEC, Chapter 12, Subchapter D or E, the commissioner shall retain authority under the TEC and Chapter 100, Subchapter AA, Division 2, of this title (relating to Commissioner Action and Intervention) to take any adverse action allowed by statute and rule and to approve or disapprove any proposed change in campus or charter structure resulting from a petition or board request under this subsection.
(e) Targeted technical assistance. In addition to the grounds specified in TEC, §39A.114, if the commissioner determines that the basis for the unsatisfactory performance of a campus for more than two consecutive school years is limited to a specific condition that may be remedied with targeted technical assistance, the commissioner may require the district to contract for the appropriate technical assistance, including, but not limited to, the district's regional education service center and/or an institution of higher education.
Source Note: The provisions of this §97.1065 adopted to be effective January 6, 2008, 33 TexReg 150; amended to be effective July 28, 2010, 35 TexReg 6523; amended to be effective July 17, 2012, 37 TexReg 5268; amended to be effective February 5, 2015, 40 TexReg 437; amended to be effective November 17, 2016, 41 TexReg 9012; amended to be effective January 28, 2018, 43 TexReg 452