Texas Administrative Code
Title 1 Administration
Part 15 Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 354 Medicaid Health Services
Subchapter A Purchased Health Services
Division 11 General Administration
Rule 354.1131 Payments to Eligible Providers
Rule 354.1133 Parental Accompaniment Requirement
Rule 354.1135 Claims Procedures
Rule 354.1137 Review of Questionable Claims
Rule 354.1139 Verification of Cost Data
Rule 354.1141 Notification to Eligible Providers
Rule 354.1143 Coordination of Medicaid with Medicare Parts A, B, and C
Rule 354.1145 Nonliability
Rule 354.1147 Medicaid Fee Schedule
Rule 354.1149 Exclusions and Limitations
Rule 354.1151 Freedom of Choice
Rule 354.1153 Subrogation
Rule 354.1155 Confidentiality of Information
Rule 354.1157 Potential Fraud, Program Abuse, and Other Misutilization
Rule 354.1159 Utilization Review
Rule 354.1161 Provider Re-enrollment Or Provider Contract Or Agreement Modification
Rule 354.1163 Fair Hearings
Rule 354.1165 Free Services for Recipients
Rule 354.1167 Reimbursement for Abortions
Rule 354.1169 Ectopic Pregnancy
Rule 354.1171 Use of Drugs Or Devices to Prevent Implantation of the Fertilized Ovum
Rule 354.1175 Organ Transplants
Rule 354.1181 Provider Compliance with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988
Rule 354.1183 Provider Compliance with the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992
Rule 354.1185 Provider Compliance with Durable Medical Equipment (dme) Certification Requirements
Rule 354.1186 Requirements for the Health Passport
Rule 354.1187 Responsibilities of Third-party Billing Vendors
Rule 354.1189 Acute Care Medicaid Billing Coordination System
Rule 354.1190 Medicaid Provider Database