Texas Administrative Code
Title 1 Administration
Part 7 State Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 163 Arbitration Procedures for Certain Enforcement Actions of the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Regarding Convalescent and Nursing Homes
Subchapter E Arbitration Proceedings
Rule 163.201 Exchange and Filing of Information
Rule 163.203 Preliminary Conference
Rule 163.205 Discovery
Rule 163.207 Stenographic Record
Rule 163.209 Electronic Record
Rule 163.211 Interpreters
Rule 163.213 Communication of Parties with Arbitrator
Rule 163.215 Date, Time, and Place of Hearing
Rule 163.217 Representation
Rule 163.219 Attendance Required
Rule 163.221 Public Hearings and Confidential Material
Rule 163.223 Order of Proceedings
Rule 163.225 Control of Proceedings
Rule 163.227 Evidence
Rule 163.229 Witnesses
Rule 163.231 Exclusion of Witnesses
Rule 163.233 Evidence by Affidavit
Rule 163.235 Evidence Filed After the Hearing