Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 2 Texas Education Agency
Chapter 100 Charters
Subchapter Aa Commissioner's Rules Concerning Open-enrollment Charter Schools
Division 2 Commissioner Action and Intervention
Rule 100.1021 Revocation and Modification of Governance of An Open-enrollment Charter
Rule 100.1022 Standards to Revoke and Modify the Governance of An Open-enrollment Charter
Rule 100.1023 Intervention Based On Charter Violations
Rule 100.1025 Intervention Based On Health, Safety, Or Welfare of Students
Rule 100.1026 Management of Charter Campus(es) Following Revocation, Surrender, Or Expiration
Rule 100.1027 Accountability Ratings and Sanctions
Rule 100.1029 Agency Audits, Monitoring, and Investigations
Rule 100.1031 Renewal of An Open-enrollment Charter
Rule 100.1032 Standards for Discretionary Renewal
Rule 100.1033 Charter Amendment
Rule 100.1035 Compliance Records On Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest, and Restrictions On Serving