Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 2 Texas Education Agency
Chapter 110 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading
Subchapter C High School
Rule 110.35 Implementation of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading, High School, Adopted 2017
Rule 110.36 English Language Arts and Reading, English I (one Credit), Adopted 2017
Rule 110.37 English Language Arts and Reading, English II (one Credit), Adopted 2017
Rule 110.38 English Language Arts and Reading, English III (one Credit), Adopted 2017
Rule 110.39 English Language Arts and Reading, English IV (one Credit), Adopted 2017
Rule 110.46 Independent Study in English (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.47 Reading I, Ii, III (one-half to Three Credits)
Rule 110.48 College Readiness and Study Skills (one-half Credit)
Rule 110.49 Visual Media Analysis and Production (one-half Credit)
Rule 110.50 Contemporary Media (one Credit)
Rule 110.51 Literary Genres (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.52 Creative Writing (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.53 Research and Technical Writing (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.54 Practical Writing Skills (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.55 Humanities (one-half to Two Credits)
Rule 110.57 Public Speaking I, Ii, III (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.58 Communication Applications (one-half Credit)
Rule 110.59 Oral Interpretation I, Ii, III (one to Three Credits)
Rule 110.60 Debate I, Ii, III (one to Three Credits)
Rule 110.61 Independent Study in Speech (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.62 Journalism (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.63 Independent Study in Journalism (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.64 Advanced Broadcast Journalism I, Ii, III (one-half Credit to One Credit)
Rule 110.65 Photojournalism (one-half to One Credit)
Rule 110.66 Advanced Journalism: Yearbook I, Ii, Iii/newspaper I, Ii, Iii/literary Magazine (one-half to One Credit)