Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 745 Licensing
Subchapter L Enforcement Actions
Division 1 Overview of Enforcement Actions
Rule 745.8600 What Is the General Purpose of the Rules in This Subchapter?
Rule 745.8601 What Happens If I Am Deficient in A Minimum Standard, Rule, Statute, Specific Term of My Permit, Or Condition of Probation?
Rule 745.8603 What Enforcement Actions May Licensing Recommend Or Impose?
Rule 745.8605 When Can Licensing Recommend Or Impose An Enforcement Action Against My Operation?
Rule 745.8607 How Will Licensing Decide Which Type of Enforcement Action to Recommend Or Impose?
Rule 745.8608 How Will Licensing Implement the "reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard" When Determining Whether to Impose An Enforcement Action Against A Child-placing Agency Or General Residential Operation?
Rule 745.8609 How Will I Know When Licensing Is Recommending Or Imposing An Enforcement Action Against My Operation?
Rule 745.8611 How Long Do Enforcement Actions That Cover A Specific Period of Time Last?
Rule 745.8613 What Rights Do I Have to Challenge An Enforcement Action?