Texas Administrative Code
Title 34 Public Finance
Part 1 Comptroller of Public Accounts
Chapter 1 Central Administration
Subchapter F Negotiation and Mediation of Contract Disputes
Rule 1.360 Purpose
Rule 1.361 Applicability
Rule 1.362 Definitions
Rule 1.363 Prerequisites to Suit
Rule 1.364 Sovereign Immunity
Rule 1.365 Notice of Claim of Breach of Contract
Rule 1.366 Agency Counterclaim
Rule 1.367 Request for Voluntary Disclosure of Additional Information
Rule 1.368 Duty to Negotiate
Rule 1.369 Timetable
Rule 1.370 Conduct of Negotiation
Rule 1.371 Settlement Approval Procedures for Negotiation
Rule 1.372 Settlement Agreement
Rule 1.373 Cost of Negotiation
Rule 1.374 Request for Contested Case Hearing
Rule 1.375 Mediation Timetable
Rule 1.376 Conduct of Mediation
Rule 1.377 Agreement to Mediate
Rule 1.378 Qualifications and Immunity of the Mediator
Rule 1.379 Confidentiality of Mediation and Final Settlement Agreement
Rule 1.380 Costs of Mediation
Rule 1.381 Settlement Approval Procedures for Mediation
Rule 1.382 Initial Settlement Agreement
Rule 1.383 Final Settlement Agreement
Rule 1.384 Referral to the State Office of Administrative Hearing (soah)
Rule 1.385 Assisted Negotiation Processes
Rule 1.386 Factors That Support the Use of Assisted Negotiation Processes
Rule 1.387 Use of Assisted Negotiation Processes