Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 5. Election Supplies
Chapter 52. Ballot Form, Content, and Preparation
Subchapter A. Preparing the Ballot
Sec. 52.001. Official Ballot.
Sec. 52.002. Authority Preparing Ballot.
Sec. 52.003. Placing Candidate's Name On Ballot.
Sec. 52.004. Failure to Place Candidate's Name On Ballot.
Sec. 52.005. Ballot Content Determined According to Precinct.
Sec. 52.006. Correcting Ballot.
Sec. 52.0061. Notice of Correction by Authority Responsible for Preparing Ballot.
Sec. 52.0062. Notice of Correction by Certain Printers.
Sec. 52.0063. Unlawful Preparation of Ballots.
Sec. 52.0064. Destruction of Incorrect Ballots.
Sec. 52.007. Specimen Ballot.
Sec. 52.008. Sample Ballot.